Max's Bizarre Binder!!! Fanart, art art, and other fun stuff

Ello Everyone!
So after getting a pro binder I had the idea of doing a pokedex binder, but with no rules basically, only going in the linear order. I wanted to continue to push my self with making art, so I decided to do illustrations of the three starters. I also think it will be fun to call upon friends to do illustrations for me and already have one lined up for page 2, and it’s riddled with the feels.

I realize the scan came out kind of wonky, in the future I’ll just get a separate sheet which will fit better than the pro binder.

Here’s le Illustrations

This miscut boi is so wise, and brings me so much happiness

Here is an obligatory Amy Weber page as well

Her work inspires me so much recently. I feel like those gremlin contrivances, and time themed gears are like the things happening in my brain. lol
I was so inspired I made this, which definitely takes a note or two from those clockwork swarms and icy manipulators…

Thanks for checking out my stuff!! I always enjoy looking at yall’s collection threads so it’s an honor to have reached a beginning point. I know it’s a bit messy, I was gonna take more time to straighten everything out, but then just said heck it, whatever.


Can… Can you just be a Pokemon TCG artist please?


I really enjoy this idea for a binder! I’ve considered doing something similar, just choosing your favorite art for each Pokémon and putting them in order, of course if a new art reveals itself, it’s okay to switch it in. I’d really enjoy seeing the rest of your choices whenever you get around to it!

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DUDE! I have been looking forward to this for a while. The Venusaur is a masterpiece and I am in love with it! What I wouldn’t give to have that as an official card for everyone in the world to be able to collect.

Thread bookmarked. Will always be eager to see updates :grin:

Amazing, Maxy!


That venusaur is sick!

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Gonna second this. Your art style is awesome and gives me a good vibe.

Please keep posting your art @imakunizauntie!

@smokemon, @azulryu,
Thank yall so much for the encouragement!! Finding ways to show my work off is a grind in itself, you don’t always know which part of the internet to present them. But thanks for making me feel validated!! It would definitely be a dream to work with some trading card game or something of that nature, as time goes on I want to continue to navigate the path of making art, either by livelihood or just for recreation.

@pigeonsyndicate, Yes it really does seem like a fun way to approach it, also I’ve really enjoyed the recent updates on your collection thread!!!

@brendantheclayboy, THANK YOU!!! =)


Cool stuff, you have a really distinctive style!

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Baba Update!

So I just picked up these two miscuts.
I first saw this Baba illustration when I discovered it’s more illustrious version, the Japanese XY promo. Since then I have been obsessed with this card, to me it’s everything I love, Beret, a drawing of someone making art, smeargle, groovy clothes. I loved this illustration so much it’s caused me to enter into a few projects featuring an artist making art. It really is an act of self love, and presents a general love of the craft. Also I apologize for being such a miscut head, but obviously I’ve been obsessed with those lately as well so when I saw this miscut smeargle I felt blasted away by serendipity. In time I definitely also want to grab the XYP card as well ehehe


That Smeargle artwork is

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I knew you would appreciate the Baba artistry ! Just realized I forgot to even mention Komiya! Truly shocking…:0

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Hello everyone! I’ve let a lot of collection goals go by the wayside but I think I’m foreal this time lol because it’s going to be incredibly fun, and near and dear to my heart. This is the beginning of my binder featuring cards illustrated by Yukiko Baba.

I’m also learning procreate so here is my first completed piece from there to honor this baba collection. I’ve been spending a lot of time trying to get better at drawing hands too so it’s a win win lol.

So I love Baba’s art alot…A whole lot. To be brief my journey to becoming a better artist has been really difficult at times. For me, obsessing over perfect line work leads to inertia and self doubt. I love Baba’s work because it demonstrates a looser style while still being excellent and in my opinion harmonious. I’ve seen it said on here that Tanaka’s work is very calming in its simplicity. I agree with that and I also feel the same about Baba. Baba’s art has taught me to relax, stop self obsessing and just be happy about art.

Very happy about starting with these from neo and E series. I especially love Mr. Mime and Voltorb. These might even be some of my favorite art works ever. I really love that the brickwork background was a continued theme. I feel as though it creates this nice semi trippy realm that I love going to in my head.

Ideally I wanted this collection to all be Japanese however, my local used book store sells a lot of english singles for very cheap so we’re rocking with it. I’m definitely getting a feel for how Baba’s style has changed since the early days. I love the cool colors of the backgrounds and it seems like the artist enjoys centering the Mons which I feel like creates a lot of compositional unity.

So that’s it for now but I have a lot of ideas on how to increase this artist collection hehehe. Also does anyone have any advice for snapping pics? I’m so shaky that it always turns out wonky.

Also here are three modern faves : ) along with messy art supplies and lovely Klimt book


You’ve made me so happy Maxy, this post has made me so happy.
I am just… ahh. So good. I’m speechless.
We share so many of the same thoughts on Baba my friend. I love your musings on the great Baba, and I love her inspiration in your art.

Oh and Aquapolis, baby. Aquapolis. Might be the best set ever. Gawd Maxy this is like top 5 best collection posts ever.


Lovely work!

I shared your post with a couple of my colleagues (both of them professional art editors), and they each gave two thumbs up. :+1:t3::+1:t3:


I love how the ever singular Baba purposely undersize certain elements of the Pokemon, it’s like its own microcosm of perspectives.


@brendantheclayboy , Dude thank you!!! Yes good point I can’t wait to continue getting more E series. Also it’s Mime time

@japanime , Woah thank you so much that means alot!! Seriously very appreciated : ) Also awesome you work with artists

@c0ll3ct0r , Dang dude what a keen observation!!! Ah I knew there was something consistent like that but I couldn’t put my finger on it. So the artists seems to be playing around with proportion. Now I’m going to be looking for that haha


Thought I’d browse the collections and im loving seeing things I’ve not seen before.

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Absolutely amazing stuff!!! Your thread has easily turned into one of my absolute favorites on E4!! But wait…hold on, hold on, hold on…where’s the Baba Raichu?


Oh my gosh that’s funny I thought of your bio when making this!!! Yes good call…But yoo the Bulbasaur half deck one is kind of expensive bahaha!!! :laughing: Regardless I love that one and definitely want to pick it up eventually. Actually now that I think about it there are a few amazing vintage baba raichus illustrations ehe. Good call good call

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Wow that Venusaur is dope!