Machamp Trainer Deck A

Where does Machamp Trainer Deck A land on price valuations?

PSA 10 is Pop 7. No recent sales. Last PSA 9 sold for $8,500 11/2/2020.
What is Machamp Trainer Deck A PSA 10 worth?

I know 1 collector who owns 3, another owns 2, and 1 other owns the 6th Machamp… with a collective 121,000 followers on Instagram between the 3 owners of the other 6 Machamp cards.

Someone on Reddit posted one recently, try buy from him if you can

Not sure what the amount of followers one has got to do with the card, but you just said it yourself; there are no recent sales for a PSA 10 copy. If you’re looking for the valuation of your card, put it up for auction. A card as rare as this basically comes down to how much the buyer is willing to pay.

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