Machamp from Base Set: Is it unlimited or 1st edition?

Do you consider the Base Set holographic Machamp with both a shadow and a 1st edition stamp to be a 1st edition card, an unlimited card, or none of the above?
My reason for asking is that I just restructured my spreadsheet in which I keep track of my WotC cards, and I now have three columns in the spreadsheet - one for 1st editions, one for shadowless and one for unlimited. I don’t think there’s a right or wrong, but I’m still curious to hear what you think. Personally, I simply put my Machamp down as unlimited because the cards have a shadow.

I consider it a promo but I’d like to hear others opinions

I consider it as an unlimited card or otherwise if you have complete sets, the 1st edition shadowless would technically have 1 more card than the unlimited set…unless you omit the machamp completely from the base set.

the shadowless variant belongs to both 1st edition and shadowless sets, and the shadowed variant belongs to the unlimited set. I think that is the general view in the hobby.


I personally consider it 1st edition

Agree with this


I consider it Unlimited.

I consider the Shadowless version to be the “real” 1st Edition variant.

If I would collect base set in 1st ed, shadowless and unlimited I’d do like this for machamp:

1st ed: shadowless thick stamp
Shadowless: shadowless thin stamp
Unlimited: shadowed (thin stamp)

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