Looking to buy/trade Zoroark Furious Fists Blister Promo

Title is self explanatory.

I am looking for the cosmos holo version of the Legendary Treasures set card.

I have a few things to offer for it, just post your wants and/or price.

Thank you in advance! :blush:

What do you throw up for offer for it?

I have a lot of rares/holo rares, a few reverse holos/pokemon ex/promos a shadowless mewtwo from the base set and a lot of bulk. I can also offer $$$ :blush:

Do you have anything you want in particular?

My English Wants List: bigdspokemoncardcollection.blogspot.com/2014/01/english-pokemon-card-wants-january-2014.html

My Japanese Wants List: bigdspokemoncardcollection.blogspot.com/2014/02/blastoiserules-japanese-wants-list.html

I will take a look and I will reply here as soon as I can :blush:

P.S.: If I do not find anything that I have, would you be able to sell it?

Thank you in advance for your reply.

Yes, I could sell it if you really wanted. But, I would sorta prefer to knock some cards off my own wants list. It gets difficult trying to track everything downā€¦

A few more questions:

  1. The list named ā€œMajestic Dawn 2008ā€ is a list about reverse holo cards or regular ones?

  2. Are you willing to trade with someone from Greece, like me? :stuck_out_tongue:

  3. What do you think would be a fair trade? Any ratio that you would accept?

P.S.: I browsed my spare cards and here is what I found:

From the Majestic Dawn set (commons/uncommons):

93/100 Darkness Energy
87/100 Super Scoop Up
46/100 Scyther
42/100 Mothim
45/100 Raichu
43/100 Pachirisu
38/100 Kangaskhan
39/100 Lickitung
36/100 Fearow
74/100 Spearow
65/100 Glameow
68/100 Munchlax
75/100 Starly
64/100 Electrike
70/100 Pikachu
56/100 Chimchar
67/100 Kabuto
66/100 Hippopotas
54/100 Burmy
52/100 Bronzor
58/100 Chingling
76/100 Stunky
69/100 Omanyte
71/100 Piplup
89/100 Dome Fossil
50/100 Aipom
60/100 Croagunk
53/100 Buneary

Also 2 non holo rares from the Furious Fists set:

76/111 Flygon
52/111 Hariyama

All cards are in Mint/Near Mint condition (no PSA grading here in Greece sadly :stuck_out_tongue:)

P.S.2: I also have an M-Metagross EX jumbo oversized card I got yesterday with the collection, if you are interested!

I can ship overseas. But, you shipping a bunch of cards overseas would cost quite a bit. As for Majestic Dawn, they are just regular cards that I want. Iā€™m currently not collecting the Reverse sets from most sets besides B&W/X+Y Sets and a few Ex Era sets here and thereā€¦

Ok. The cards I listed are regular ones. Are you intered in the trade? I can trade you all of them since they are spares!

Are you still interested?
