Looking for shadowless psa 10s

Looking for the following shadowless psa 10s

Clafairy $500
Richu $1000

Have lots to trade the prices I posted are cash offers.

I am also looking for these unlimited jungle

Vileplume(will offer a 1st ed psa 10 1-1)

All the best

Found all the jungles besides vileplume. Thought my amazing offer would pull one. Still has a very low pop. Let me know if you have one and want to part with it I am sure we can work out a trade.

I know I have a PSA 10 Clefairy coming back from PSA.

Just gotta wait for the grading… lol but it’s going in on a 5 day

Awesome just let me know. I still need the blastoise but I am not at $2k maybe I will regret that.

I will also add I have decided to get rid of all my psa 9s
I have a complete set of psa 9 base holos I would trade for shadowless 10s

please tell me you will put it up for auction. it’s gonna get 4 digits easy.