Looking for a middleman in Japan

I’m trying to contact a seller on mercari.jp to buy some specific cards but I can’t make an account there since I’m not from Japan, neither no proxy service want to ask for me. Is here maybe someone who has an account on mercari.jp and could simply copy and paste some questions for me?
Thanks in advance for anyone who could help me out :blush:

@villagepillage helped me out earlier this year!

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Not to hijack this thread, but @villagepillage – any idea what the best way to procure a Japan Post Box promo (with stamps) is?


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touché my friend…

this kind of informative answer is why i keep coming back here


Yo, I can help you out. Message me your questions and links.


pay the $200-250 shipped from ebay or japan. It is what we all have to do as you wont get one retail or even triple retail unfortunately. I recently bit the bullet and purchased one. I am going to watch the market now I have one and just see what happens. I would like to buy more but am happy to bide my time rather than going all in now .