Leonhart taking a break from YouTube or at least slowing down

You literally just said this in your previous post:

If stupid content gives you more views is that an excuse to go full stupid? Personally no.

More views = more money. So what point are you actually trying to make here?

Seriously. Having this much distaste for someone you’ve never met who hasn’t done anything to harm anyone is just weird.


Oh for sure. More power to him. Really mean that.

Yeah, I’m a bad guy

Plus. The average member here isn’t his target audience so of course we’re going to find this stuff a little silly.


More power to him ofc

Yeah I highly doubt anyone here even watches Leonhart, which is why I find some of the malice here strange. His open-mouth thumbnails obviously look silly and I personally would never do them, but who cares? The simple solution is not to watch his content. If he wants to make silly faces for money, go ahead. It’s his job and his goal is to make a living. Everyone here should understand that, and no one has to watch.


Anyone that voluntarily puts them self into the public spotlight as an entertainer will get their share of criticism for what they do (or don’t do). This comes with all jobs of that kind.

There’s a reason some members of our community refuse to ever make open mouth thumbnails in their videos. It is because they come off as incredibly fake, forced, and tacky.

You cannot tell me for a second that Leonhart’s pose in that thumbnail is a sincere reaction to an amazing pull. Not even a 1st Ed Base Zard warrants that level of shock.

It is an appeal to a certain type of audience. Those that find it ridiculous and see it for what it is will inevitably criticize it.


100% agreed

What purpose does the criticism serve, though? Obviously the open-mouth thumbnail doesn’t appeal to adult collectors – it’s not meant to.

Basically, I don’t see the point in harshly critiquing a YouTube channel aimed at kids. I don’t like the open-mouth thumbnails either, but he’s not using them because he expects people like me to like them lol.


I don’t think anyone in this thread has even been that harsh. It seems like pretty chill criticism of something we just find silly.

I also don’t see why criticism needs to serve a purpose. No one went out of their way to start a new topic bashing on Leonhart. When this topic of him taking a step back from YouTube came up, some chose to express the reasons they were dissatisfied with his content lately.

I actually did watch all his videos for a period of time. I really was a member of his audience, but I stepped away and lost interest. Whether or not he ever meant for me to be part of his audience doesn’t matter. I was, and so I do have criticism. It won’t change anything and no one needs to care, but that doesn’t stop the opinion from existing and I certainly don’t see why it should need to be held back in any way.

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I think it’s totally fair to constructively criticize whatever/whomever you want to. But I think it’s also fair for people to wonder why adults are constructively criticizing (as though they’re the intended audience) a children’s content creator.

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Can’t we all just agree that Leonhart certainly needs to take a break?

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The thing is while he appeals primarily to kids, I don’t think he intends to cater to them at the expense of adult collectors.

He even mentioned Rare Candy in this video, a company that seems to be trying everything it can to get serious collectors interested in them and uses Leonhart as the primary megaphone.

Leonhart isn’t Blippi, there is definitely an attempt to get older collectors interested in the content too. And many adults do indeed watch him


Fair, but I think it’s pretty clear that the open-mouth thumbnails in particular are meant to appeal to kids. And so, as an adult, I don’t really see the point of criticizing them.

FWIW, I don’t have any real issue with the criticisms people have made in this thread. I was just responding to the point that public figures are naturally subject to increased scrutiny. Which, while true, doesn’t mean that it’s worthwhile to go out of our way to criticize children’s content creators.


I haven’t watched the video but he seems to be going through some insane burnout over the last year or so. Having to constantly be on, producing content, always being the bubbly personality that people expect isn’t as easy as it seems. Some of my close friends are decent sized content creators in a different niche, and it would probably surprise most people how common mental health issues are amongst content creators. It’s not all sunshine and sponsorships.

Dealing with depression, illness & the stresses of having a young family all whilst trying to figure out how to stop the slow decline in analytics that is partly out of his control due to the interest drop in Pokémon since COVID.

I’m not surprised if his mental state is shattered


I will also say this and don’t crucify me. I also thinks he takes being the top PokĂ©mon YouTuber seriously and rev is about to catch up with him.

I will say rev has better content. I like him more.

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He always comes across as a nice guy. The thumbnails are ridiculous but the YouTube algorithm is so corrupted and gamed that people are forced to do those and write annoying click bait titles.

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Isnt he also expecting as well? creating content does burn you out and all the stuff you gotta do.

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He mentioned in the video before it came down that his baby is will be a month old on the 10th