Laneward's Dragonite collection

Epic collection! I’ve always loved Dragonite… I have too many favourite pokemon to collect them all :stuck_out_tongue: is there any other pokemon you collect?

That’s freakin gorgeous!

Not a huge fan of this card’s English version, but worth the rainbow dust Holo I have to have it.

Edit: yes I see the sale on eBay, excellent pick up!

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Right?! It’s a pretty unique holo pattern. Rainbow dust holo is a great name :smiley:

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Windows XP background Dragonite and Mr. Rainbow have arrived.


Beautiful additions. Love the GB Dragonite artwork. So simple and nostalgic.

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Really nice collection, dragonite was a favourite of mine as a kid and it has so many great cards throughout pokemon history, hoping you might add perhaps some non tcg cards to your list too since there are some really beautiful cards and unique artworks :grin:

What is likely to be the last update to this collection:

I couldn’t bring myself to pay for the EX in a 10 and found a very clean 9 which I’m happy with.

Until I either take much nicer photos of the collection or a new amazing Dragonite card is announced, this is likely going to be it! I have some cards at PSA that may replace some of the 9s I have, fingers crossed.

What an adventure! I see myself holding onto this collection for many years to come. But I also see myself not really buying anything Pokemon related, probably ever again. Having a collection that I’m proud of is a great place to put an end to this journey :slight_smile:


What an accomplishment, @laneward! :partying_face: :beers:


Trying to avoid getting into non-TCG because it’s a slippery slope. But I couldn’t pass this up. Such wonderful artwork. Bokeh, composition, colour, this thing is a beauty.


Ended on a great note! Such a great show of all these amazing cards. The T Promo is one of my favourites.

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Added 2 more non-TCG cards to the collection and updated OP :slight_smile:


Glad that you decided to add them, some of my favourite sets/products! Ofc my heart is always with topps and that bandai carddass part 3 & 4 is artwise perhaps the most unique set there is :slight_smile: