Kingdra collection update - slabs and binder

Love the kingdra collection! But where is the aquapolis Nishida!?

Kingdra is a sick Pokemon! I seem to love Pokemon based off real life animals! Kingdra and Seadra are some of my favorite Pokemon. I just love the look of Kingdra cards. Such a majestic Pokemon!

I was about to purchase one from a fellow eFour-er in PSA 10 but focused on my MTG collection instead :grin: - I have some in Japanese though :blush:

@framptypants ,

This Kingdra is POP 1 across all grades - not that it is surprising but it was rather cheap so I decided to get a graded one when I saw it pop up on Facebook instead of just a binder copy.


I must admit I’ve never seen a lot of these cards before, gorgeous collection you have there.

So beautiful! Forget MTG and hurry and get that 10. Get a 10 in Lance’s too :wink: probably my second favorite

I really hoped at least one of the Neo 3 Kingdras would end up a 10. :grin:


Easily one of my favourite cards in my collection! Looked even better in real than it did on the pictures. Stunning!

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Awesome collection, thanks for the update. :blush:

Awesome collection and the Neo 3 art really is one of the best too, such a sweet holo.

Great set and the presentation is good. Kingdra is underrated; I think I’m going to start a binder now after seeing this! The holos really pop!

Seeing this has maybe given me my next collecting goal. Pick one pokemon and find everything. Thanks.