Japanese ralts card serial code differences

So I’m in the process of organizing my main ralts collection, and am trying to future proof a little bit by trying to get down the potential serial codes for the japanese ex-era cards that had multiple serial codes (english is seemingly documented in full! Sets and Languages: Compilation overview list is a good resource and links to a FANTASTIC spread sheet).
Bit of a longshot, but if anyone has pictures/ the serials codes for japanese ex era cards (ralts especially but any of the era honestly) and is willing to share, leave them here

so far i have :
ralts 007/019 mudkip constructed start deck

ralts 008/019 mudkip constructed start deck

ralts 027/055 ADV Expansion Pack

ralts Magma vs aqua: two ambitions 041/080
ralts Imprison! Gardevoir ex Constructed Standard Deck

ralts Psychic Quick Construction Pack 001/015

the fact that there are so many potential codes for this era is as cool as it is frustrating :confused:

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Not Ralts but I can get you some of my Cyndaquils tomorrow. Have gone thru some pain finding them.

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I don’t have any of the codes of Ralts, besides some you already have mentioned. I could give you my Pikachu codes, but not sure what good that will do…

But the good thing: only the ADV Expansion Pack will have four different codes for Ralts. All the other sets/decks that Ralts is in for the ex era (Mudkip Constructed Starter Deck; Magma VS Aqua: Two Ambitions; Imprison! Gardevoir ex Constructed Standard Deck; Psychic Quick Construction Pack; Holon Research Tower; and World Champions Pack) will only have a single code each for cards.

( PS: Holon Research Tower was the first Japanese set that lacked different codes. For English that was EX Legend Maker. Funny enough, the Japanese version of EX Legend Maker is Mirage Forest, which did have different codes. And the English version of Holon Research Tower, which is EX Delta Species, also still had different codes. But both EX Legend Maker and Holon Research Tower not anymore. The order in which these English and Japanese sets were released in differed for some reason. :person_shrugging: )



Trying out a scanner to be able to zoom in more on the cards. (Should be high res if you download or open in another tab)
Here are the 8 Cyndaquils from Miracle of the Desert.
1st Edition and unlimited of 4 different codes.
Not going to lie, these were miserable to complete lol