Japanese e-series Vs English

Hello all, I’m new here and don’t know if this is exactly the right board for this type of question. In any case, I’ve just started getting back into the hobby and I’m very nostalgic for the e-series cards. With more modern sets I generally prefer the look and feel of Japanese cards. If I were to start collecting the older e-series cards, would it be wiser to collect English or Japanese, from an investing standpoint? I’ve noticed Japanese cards tend to go cheaper on eBay than their English counterparts, or is that incorrect? As an additional note, I’m interested in collecting already PSA graded cards, 9s and 10s specifically, of a few different species, and don’t have a ton of money to throw at the hobby.

English because there’s more demand for them compared to Japanese

I certainly see your point, but the nice thing about that is that a lower demand overall also means a lower potential price for me to buy at. Now, if there’s a concern of demand for Japanese cards to decline significantly in the future, I’d be more wary of them. I’m interested to know if any of you feel that’s the case? Thank you for the replies!

You said you’re “very nostalgic” for e series. Which were you nostalgic for? English or Jpn? Collect those.

Well I suppose I’m more nostalgic for the art, not the language. I never played Pokémon as a kid so the card text means next to nothing to me. I suppose I can’t pick between the two based on just the nostalgia factor. I know this might not be something anyone else can say for me, I’m just looking for insights into why the market on e-series is the way it is right now, and how people think it might move in the future, particularly in how it relates to the different languages. It’ll just help me decide what I’m more comfortable sinking money into. I hope that makes some amount of sense.

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Semi recently every single booster box in japan was sold out at distributors due to one promo card release. That amount of demand says alot about the health of the hobby there. lots of North American collectors also collect Japanese cards. So its hard to see Japanese prices decreasing dramatically for whatever reason. So if u want more cards for you money, with smaller growth go Japanese. If u want a little less quantity but bigger growth potential due to market size and demand go english

I’d say startOff with the english ones first- they are still semi-available/affordable for now, you can always pick up the Japanese ones while you are working on the complete english set.

I’m aiming for the Japanese VS promo’s RN since that artwork ain’t available in English, but I have all the ‘normal’ sets (Aqua/Sky/Exp.Base) in English.

None the less an awesome collection goal! Gotta love them E-Series

Do you say that because you suspect the English cards will become less available than the Japanese ones in the future?

There’s boat loads of English so don’t worry about that;)