Japanese 1st Edition vs Unlimited

I’m trying to get an understanding of 1st edition vs unlimited sets on the Japanese side. From my current understanding, 1st Edition started with the VS Series and went all the up to CP6. I just have a few questions as I couldn’t find answers on my own.

  1. Does VS Series have an unlimited set (non 1st edition)? I tried searching ebay and bulbapedia and couldn’t find any traces of it.

  2. I know that for some sets, the unlimited cards are actually more rare/scarce than the 1st edition counterparts. Is this true with all Japanese sets or just most and is there a way of finding out?

  3. Did any sets between VS and CP6 not offer 2 different print runs, 1st Ed and unlimited?

Thanks everyone!

*1. Does VS Series have an unlimited set (non 1st edition)? I tried searching ebay and bulbapedia and couldn’t find any traces of it.*My understanding is certain theme deck or promo cards came in unlimited form (e.x. Pryce’s Lapras) but the actual booster boxes and packs were only printed in 1st edition

2. I know that for some sets, the unlimited cards are actually more rare/scarce than the 1st edition counterparts. Is this true with all Japanese sets or just most and is there a way of finding out?
I believe all Japanese sets where both 1st edition and unlimited were printed, that the unlimited is actually rarer yet never has a higher value (outside of Expedition unlimited)

  1. I’m not sure the answer to this question
  1. Already answered
  2. The sets that are the most notorious for this are web, power keepers, and L2-L3
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About the Vs set: unlimited cards exist, but are limited to Pryce’s Lapras (promo from the Information magazine), Rocket’s Sneasel (has the promo symbol, so I don’t know if you want to count it) and the cards reprinted in various languages and awarded in a torunament (can’t remeber the details, but they are rare)

About #3 according to Bulbapedia no


Thanks everyone, this has been really helpful!

I’m mostly just trying to figure out Japanese variants of Ampharos and think I have a pretty good picture now.

Basically there are no unlimited Lance’s and Jasmine’s Ampharos variants and a lot of the unlimited will take patience to track down.

L1 might not exist in unlimited outside of the 3 johto starters


No, the VS set was only printed in 1st edition. The Pryce’s Lapras has an unlimited edition version, which came in a magazine, but that’s the only exception I’m aware of for this set. EDIT: I should have read the other comments before making my own, since this has already been said by @kpod and @andrea.

Almost all. There are some for which 1st and unlimited edition are about equally as rare; for the Base Set, the No Rarity (which you could consider 1st edition) is of course rarer than the one with rarity symbols; but in a lot of the Japanese sets, the unlimited edition are indeed a lot shorter printed and therefore rarer.

Yes, there are sets with just a 1st edition print run; there are set with just an unlimited edition print run; and as mentioned at point 2, there are sets with both, but where unlimited edition is A LOT shorter printed and rarer.

Here an overview of some sets within these three categories from the bottom of my 1st edition stamp variations article:


@firebirder31, from my experience tracking eBay it seems unlimited is more scarce from Expedition to Skyridge and then it changes in the ADV series where 1st and unlimited are more equal. But it varies a lot from set to set.