Japanese 1st ed. XY5 booster boxes

Been thinking of selling some of my duplicate items but I’m having hard time figuring out value for sealed 1st ed. XY5 Gaia Volcano/Tidal Storm booster boxes, ebay has some sale data for singles/graded cards but nothing for packs/boxes.
Any help is appreciated. :blush:

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After a quick search, I see a couple in Japan, one Tidal Storm box sold for roughly 600 USD after conversion, and I see a Gaia Volcano box listed for 90,000 yen, or about 700 USD. These items are very tough to price and relatively hard to come by, but I hope that helps a little bit! Best of luck.

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Thanks for the reply, those estimates seem great. When I went through all the $2000 Gaia Volcano / $1000+ Tidal Storm listings I started to think this can’t be right.

Obviously it’s been already 8 years since release of XY5, somehow it feels like yesterday and that’s why it’s odd to see so few sales happening right now. :blush:

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