Interested in Buying Tropical Beach Set or Singles

I’m back from worlds, and unfortunately, I couldn’t track down many Tropical Beaches. I got a Japanese one for free from my friend who qualified for worlds, but I still need the other languages. If you have them as a set let me know, single ones even better. Let me know if they are generic, staff, top 32, 16, or anything else. Thanks.

I got 5x 9-card set and 2x staff card. Please PM me an (realistic) offer.

Ok, will do. In turn, please send me a (realistic) response. :stuck_out_tongue:

Eeeek, Japanese Tropical Wind/Tidal Wave/Beach cards!

Forgot these are multilingual. I think I might need to get these too.

Can I ask for a Japanese one? Non-stamped if they exist

Yes!!! You tell him! :grin:

I don’t think non-stamped exist, Dogma. And I assume you’re talking to Lotti? My Japanese one will only be for sale if me and Lotti work something out. In the mean time, Dogma, if you want my Japanese one, PM me an offer and I will ponder it. :blush:

I’m only interested in the cheapest one (i.e. the one that is presumably stamped Worlds 11). In that case, it’s only worth a dollar or so at most… so $2?

I think I’ll pass for now then. :3 It’d be more worthwhile for me to keep it as a souvenir.

These are going to be the most expensive Worlds promo’s as they are playable. I shared a room with some of the better players and the tournament and everyone is in agreement that these cards are well playable.

Also if anyone is interested in staff promos I have all of them. When I say all I mean all. :blush:

Smpratte, did I happen to see you at worlds? I was wearing either a Ho-oh/Lugia shirt or an orange shirt wearing a blue hat. I was selling in the game room.

Also, I am interested in a generic Staff promo…how much for the cheapest one? And are they all languages or…

Yes I was. I was the one walking around mostly with a computer bag/briefcase. I don’t remember you off the top of my head. I met so many people it is difficult to keep track!

The staff cards were only printed in english. The prices that I heard each were going for were $60-80 a piece.

smpratte were you the one wearing a bluetooth in his ear and was dressed really professional?

SMPratte, do you have any wants so maybe we can trade? I might buy, but let me know. :blush:

haha the guy looking real professional with the Bluetooth was David Persin. I was the guy next to him some of the time trying to look professional!

And I only sell online. If you want to pm an offer that would be fine.

Oh I believe I saw you but I guess David Persin stood out like a sore thumb, so i remember more lol.

Yes he was probably the most well dressed, outside of the life size pikachu :wink:

Did you two find any ultra rare cards while at worlds? I didnt notice anybody who had any.

Oh yeah scott you said your going to make an announcement. Oh nice btw on the new one :wink:…I noticed.

I surprisingly found a couple english one’s. The japanese selection was poor this year. There were two ultra rare japanese cards and they both went to the same person.

What were the Japanese ones??