Impatient Customers

So I sold a few cards on Facebook recently, to cut down on the fees Ebay would have charged me. I log on this morning to this message;

It has only been 3 working days and this guy is asking for a refund! I couldn’t believe it, has anyone else had this happen to them?

shake me head. Thankfully I’ve not sold a ton and havnt had an experience quite like this. I have had someone complain that quickly, but not start banging on about refunds like that

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Give this guy a copy of the terms for sales policies. Guy should wait between two to four days for shipment and then notified how long items typically ship. Guy has no grounds to ask for a refund.


What a joke, good luck with him… His profile picture (assuming that’s what it really is) even screams “I’m garbage”.

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haha yeah didnt need to disguise his profile pic, which says a lot about him i guess

Was that domestic or international sale?

Classic signs of a scammer. Watch out.

In the event he isn’t a scammer and just an impatient moron, (assuming Domestic) explain to him the changes that have been made with Auspost recently and that expecting a 3 Day Delovery period on Regular Post is now a pipe dream.

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Yeah it was domestic, as soon as i read the message i thought i was being scammed.

we will see how he responds in a few days

What does the tracking say? Or was it a small amount?

it was only a $10 sale, so if he scams me its not the end of the world, but its the principle, i dont like people taking advantage of me

Lol ridiculous peoples. This is why I steer clear of Gumtree and Facebook sales.

I’m more than happy to explain in private PayPal transactions all the time frames
, eta, and condition etc.

I just make a note of it and generally tell everyone three weeks for international so they don’t whinge.

People forgot that Australia is pretty massive. It takes time. Alot of buyers think the world revolves around them and their package is the fastest and most important out of all the 1,000,000s on transit right now


Hey @acebren can you PM me who it was? Assuming it was done in one of the Aussie groups.

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Yeah, it has happened to me a couple times. Some buyers act as if we should get the cards into their hands overnight. Not sure how they think we’ll do that lol. Luckily most buyers aren’t like that.

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i was absolutely shocked, 1 and a half - 2 weeks is generally how long i usually have to wait to get cards i buy, this guy says 3 days!

Yeah, this guy must think you’ll fly the cards over to his house lol. Can’t believe anyone would be thinking about a refund after 3 days. Just seems absurd. Hopefully he isn’t a scammer.

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Explain to them that it is unreasonable. Immature people often respond well to an authoritative explanation. If he persists, post to the group what is being said and let the social accountability take care of it for you.


Customers have gotten more unreasonable.

This delay is just unacceptable. Surely if I can live tweet when I’m in the loo and get instant response from everyone, I can get my card quicker than PayPal can take money out of my account. :slightly_frowning_face:

This buyer just hurts my brain. The sense of entitlement is unbelievable.

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Guys theres this guy from instagram that i talk to for like 4 hours a day at the start of our endevours teaching him everything about pokemon cards and i felt sorry for him because he really wanted to collect and stuff, and after some moons he bought something from me, and i sent him like 10,000 cards, but he started raging at me when he recieved a slip and i thought he was going to kill me, so i told him to calm down, and he kept raging. Then he realised he just needed to take the slip in to the post office, like i was trying to tell him when he was raging. So he got his cards, and his happy. But i might not send anything to him again, because i have never experienced anything like this. such a delightful experience, all the time spent helping him and he nirly kill me through the phone message… I could feel the firey anger burn through my full HD screen in full hd. At first when meeting him, my friend was going to send him some cards as a gift because he really wanted some cards and we felt sorry for him, and so i told him my friends name so he could tell her his address and shit to send the free cards… Anyway over the course of the next week he was messaging her non stop asking her to send the cards, and asking her to send really expensive ones that were on her wall… So she messaged me with a picture of shadowless charizard that he asked for. Anyway he kind of went crazy at her so, he came back ovber to me and told me I’d appreciate it if you didnt hook me up with people saying your going to help me out with some free cards when she didnt even send them because its frustrating bud. I kind of started to get a bit scared, and then when he raged at me about the cards in the mail I had enough, and I dont really message him anymore, and he doesnt really message me. I have never dealt with this online ever. During the short period he was talking to my friend he fell in love with her apparently, and she told him no way, and so he told me your friend is a fuckin slut dude, hope the bitch dies… Hmmm no wonder she didnt send the cards… -.-

People scare me.


You cold heartless bastard. You should have portkeyed teleported it right over. I going to walk next door to @smpratte and have you banned from UPCCC Elite Fourum. Then I will go across the street to Zuckerberg’s house and have you banned from Facebook. I will contact the government and have the secret chip in your head set to pain. I will contact the gray aliens and have them anal probe you more. WAIT! you may enjoy that. I will have them stop anal probing you