I See Prerelease Clefable is the new 1st ed base Charizard.

Definitely! There are barely any cards that fly under the radar. That 11k psa 10 shadowless zard didn’t have “shadowless” or “base” in the title. Safe to say my $3.75 clefable would easily be a $10 auction today. :slightly_smiling_face:


Still have dreams of getting my hands on a PSA 10 copy sometimes. My 9 copy looks really clean. Contemplating on whether to send it in for review or not :sweat:

I’m not even going to read any of the previous posts. But the prerelease Clafable is not and never will be the “New Charizard”.

A PSA 10 Prerelease Clefable is a grail to a lot of us that collect Prerelease cards :sweat:

Doesn’t matter. Just imagine, right now, paying over $50k for a CLEFABLE, take a second or two.


It’ll never reach that price. I think it could reach up to 10k :zipper_mouth_face:



The prerelease clefable was the first card to get me into collecting graded pokemans.
Purchased a psa 7 variant 5 or so months ago and haven’t looked back :^)


I can’t remember a time that the clefable wasn’t much more expensive that the other pre release cards.

Lol 145 Euro for a PSA 9 is not expensive, thats a steal of a deal


That is a great price really. What? Did you want it for nothing :open_mouth:

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For $25. :sob:

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Look up prices of 9s on eBay and you’ll realise that’s a great price.

If it was a truly a Prelease PSA 9 and 145€ I’m gonna get pissed!!! Just tell me it was mistake or a 1st ed :confused:


I recently picked up a PSA 7 of this card.
What a catch! Awesome card to have in your collection.
Anyone has a list of how many graded there are?
I know there’s not many 9s and 0 10s, which is insane!

Time to see this thread get nuked. Do me proud milly.


This thread is so old, we used to read newspapers when it was relevant.