This is very much version 1. I definitely didn’t forget to design in the notches at the bottom and use a box cutter to cut them out by hand.
I’ll update this once I get to it. I ran out of the board material which is just picture frame matte. The cards just slide in and out and are held in place by a small overhang of the top layer. Sized it for dragon shield sleeves.
The holder for loose cards will still need the more complex design I think. It might not. I made a single and a quad holder to scan up polaroid photos. The reason why is that you need to hold the photos off the actual surface of the scanning bed. If you don’t, even on the best scanners, you get something called newton rings. A photographer’s nightmare What Are Newton's Rings & How To Fix Them When Scanning Film Negatives » Shoot It With Film
Interesting that since encapsulated cards have a ridge on them it holds them above the surface, this won’t happen! How interesting.
@jaws I don’t know anything aboutwho that is and what they did. But if I get a solid design I’d be happy to help anyone here who wants a design to fit their use case. But if its this thing frosty puppy is showing off to align graded cards, I can whip this up easy. I have some spare acrylic.
no, going to use it for all the documentation scans I need to do for my Uzumaster set, and the FRLG and TRR reverse holo swirl articles. Just makes cropping and saving multiple images faster. But can definitely work for anyone who sells cards on electronic bay, or other places.
update. I just added thumb slots. I printed just the main layer. It appears that I absolutely nailed it for my measurements for dragon shield sleeves. And yes, Dragonshield sleeves are 92mm NOT 88mm tall. Shown is why you have to customize it per sleeve type. I have cards in both shown ultimate guard sleeves. One is shorter, and one is both shorter AND narrower. Penny sleeves are larger. But that’s easy enough to change.