Humidifying, Pressing, Polishing...people actually do this?

Just came across this Youtube Short:

A whole lot of work to get the same grade as before


I had a guy buy a Masaki Alakazam from me to do this same thing to remove the indents he said, no idea how it turned out though :rofl:

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The fact that it got the exact same esoteric 4.5 grade after a day at the spa is the most unintentionally humorous thing I’ve seen in a while.


I’ve heard of pressing in comic books to get a better grade but then sometimes they get a restored grade.

Cards seems a bit much


Surprised the grade stayed that consistent between companies, particularly the surface :astonished:

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I feel like you could maybe get a card from a PSA 1 → PSA 2 or something in very specific situations… but in most cases i’m not so sure as to its ability to turn a 8 into a 10 or something

i mean it’s not really altering the card

kind of weird but not a sin

I was ok until the polishing. Polishing requires removing material or filling in material, both are unequivocally altering


“best grading company”

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ah my bad, i thought he was just rubbing it with that sponge thing

can’t say i’m well versed in whatever you call what he’s doing lol

I love it. Lol. The value of time

In all seriousness, this just seems like a typical tiktok-esque-nothing-video. It’s like those pointless DIY videos where some guy spends 12 hours repurposing 6 months of used toilet paper rolls into some trivial, cheap thing you might as well just go buy for $5


Is this not a parody video?

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DiWhy lol


We wanted to use a convoluted process to improve the grade of a relatively heavily beat up card. After all was said an done, it received the same low grade from a reputable grading company, but we still think it was worth it because the corners were slightly better (but still not close to mint)

I think that sums it up.
I’d rather spend a day at the spa myself. It would probably help remove some of the salt in my veins. :laughing:

I think it is given they also have this video destroying fixing a fossil dragonite

They’re going straight to hell. Harming a Dragonite is punishable by death in most states.


Bro I’m rolling

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They have figured out how to make the graders consistent!