How do you search for Pokemon cards being sold on Instagram?

As title suggests.

Never personally used Instagram myself, but I do hear and briefly see pictures people post of cards and/or collections of Pokemon cards that are sold privately through Instagram.

Was wondering if there is way to search for a specific poke and/or card set?

Thank you.

Pray that someone you follow posts something that you want, or that something is recommended to you by someone, or that someone selling uses a lot of appropriate tags… Instagram wasn’t designed to be a marketplace and it shows


I think most people who do this are sort of “in the community” and follow a lot of accounts who all follow each other and they’re often selling cards to each other and each other’s followers. It’s a network thing. It’s not something you can easily just start from zero with. You have to immerse yourself into it. Follow a lot of collectors and Pokémon accounts. Then you’ll come across opportunities from being immersed into the community.

A lot of storefronts on eBay and the like also run instagrams simultaneously where they may advertise their items, allowing you to buy them from them there.


@nish, @stagecoach,Thank you for clarifying how it all works. Makes a lot more sense. Cheers!

What you can do too is see if you can search some ebay people by their instagram handles. Often times a lot of people who sell on ebay will sell off of ebay on IG using the same handle and provide deals. Getting into that kind of network will also give you recommendations as to other sellers who also follow those accounts.


Searching the hashtag of what you are looking for has worked for me as well. It can take some time to scroll through but i have had luck buying directly from pages after i found their picture from their tags.


IG is for random deals and following people from ebay, not for specific searches

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Thanks to all!

I buy and sell alot on instagram and it comes down to a few things:

  1. Seeing stories
  2. Seeing posts
  3. Searching hashtags

Sometimes if you see the card you want, just reach out and ask the owner if they would consider selling

As far as i know there is no actual instagram sales platform, but who knows what will happen in the future

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Not IG per se, but there is a user there (pallettown_pokemon_tcg) that posts almost daily with ads of people who want to sell. I’ve seen from ebay deals to people trying to sell directly thorugh IG. Try it!


I second this, guy who runs the page is a good dude too! Always pleasant when I’ve messaged him.