How can you show off your collection without the risks ?

So in my local community in fb groups where I sell a lot I am starting to become a bit paranoia about posting some of my collections. Whenever I sell to local members , I usually put my address on the back of the envelope for a return in case it gets lost. Now I start imagining scenario’s where if I decide to post some quality stuff they might try to break in and steal stuff when I am not home ! It happens ! I have read about it a few times in other pkmn fb groups. I mean the most straightforward thing to do is not keep everything in 1 place right ? Divide em at 2 locations or so. But still… Would love to hear your input

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(1) Gigantic fireproof safe

(2) Robust exercise of Second Amendment rights

(3) Insurance

All three recommended!


I check the bottom two. Debating between a fireproof safe and bank deposit box.

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Lots of great suggestions here so far, but best advice i could give would back @reinasierpe, in terms of a safe. Probably the best best if not wanting to split things up and really protects from a lot. Also the PO box is a must for all the above fears too as it allows for you to hide the exact location of yourself and your things.

All and all, just be safe in what you post and where.

Besides what the others have mentioned, if you’re dealing with graded cards, blur out the barcode and ID number for them and record the ID somewhere. That way, if it gets stolen and the person tries to resell it, you will know who it is if they forget to blur out the ID. Just a small added precaution.

This is a good-natured suggestion and I don’t want to come off as too harsh, but practically it is useless, as are a lot of other suggestions in this thread.

Pokemon cards are very difficult to steal. The vast majority of break-and-enter crime is done by either someone who knows you (and knows when you’re away) or by opportunists who see that a door/window is left open. The suggestion of “second amendment rights” is a nice comfort factor but in reality it is exceedingly rare that you’re at home when you’re burgled. You won’t even have a chance to exercise those “rights.” You likely don’t have to worry about opportunists at all, people who commit crime in this manner are usually looking for stuff that can be easily converted into cash. Think computers, TVs, game consoles, jewelry etc.

The main risk of Pokemon theft is either by porch pirates picking up stuff before you get it (easily remedied by a secure mailbox/P.O. box if you’re worried about that) or by the very rare instance of someone knowledgeable in Pokemon breaking in and stealing, which seems like what the OP is worried about. Graded cards are frankly impossible to reliably convert into cash due to cert numbers. Being public with the cert numbers here actually helps a lot, as if they are stolen, you can publicize the cert and prove ownership. Much better than keeping a private record and only having one pair of eyes on the market. If someone steals your graded card collection, it will be near impossible for them to sell it as long as you make enough noise in the right place. I’ve never heard of a graded card collection being stolen.

Ungraded cards/binders are easier and are occasionally stolen. Simply hiding these items in a unique place combined with some basic address shielding may be your best defense. A safe is a giant flashing neon light to burglars that valuables are inside. In order to get real protection you’d need to spend a ton of money on a bolt-down safe which is just not feasible unless you have a very hefty collection. My recommendation if you’re worried about this stuff is simple: get a PO box, keep your collection stowed away, and make sure your house/apartment is properly secured at all times. Anything else is really just overkill and the returns significantly diminish.

tl;dr Cards rarely get stolen, what you think deters crime really doesn’t, and your best bet to be safe is some simple and cheap methods.


yeah if you get a safe make sure to bold it down to the ground, most safes are broken into because they are lifted and removed from the home so the burglar has all the time he needs to crack your safe.

A 500lb bolt down 30 minute fire rated safe that will hold 1,000+ psa slabs or several cases of booster boxes starts at about $500.

A “safe room” of sorts that would thwart most quick smash and grab robberies could be done for less than $1,000 in materials if you are handy.

Working off Facebook for a bit more anonymity has value. Have to weigh the benefits of using FB to the negatives.

P.O. box is a good suggestion.
A dog can help.
3rd party insurance.
A firearm.
Off site storage is always safe to spread the risk.
Bank deposit box.
Burglar alarm (either monitored for a monthly fee or one of the DIY methods out there these days unmonitored as the burglar will hear an alarm and make an assumption.

Graded cards can be stolen and cracked and sold pretty easily assuming the likely scenario someone knowledgable in pokemon stole them.

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I only keep cheaper stuff at home now. Anything of value is safely stored away . Even my nice “for sale” things are in a close by storage unit that I go to everyday.


@fourthstartcg, not at all, I never really thought deeply about theft via breaking and entering so I am very interested in hearing your opinion(: Also, I’m from Singapore where you can just leave your laptops around in university compounds unattended for instance, and still find it there at the end of the day, so I’m kind of a noob when it comes to security as well.

Yes this is exactly my point - I feel that you can just cover it up first until the point where you plan to sell it. if it gets stolen and it gets flipped, at least you would also have photos of the unblurred version to prove to people that the thief obtained it illegally. Maybe it gives a false sense of security - I get your point as well that okay, just reveal it so that its constantly public knowledge that you own this copy.

Personally I don’t have a safe as well for the reason you mentioned - it’s like telling people to focus on this thing in particular. I feel the most practical precaution is perhaps a safety deposit box at a local bank.

I was actually under the impression that cards do get stolen all the time, but its more likely to happen at large conventions than by B&E.

My method is off-site storage. I rent out a climate control storage unit and keep my valuables there. Like forthstar said, most thief is from opportunity, a storage unit with on-site cameras doesn’t give a lot of opportunities. Especially since I don’t advertise which unit I use or what’s in my unit.



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Whilst it doesn’t allow you to physically experience your cards, it does allow you to safely look at them whenever you like and has the added bonus of allowing you to share your collection with the world and inadvertently make new connections in the hobby.

I would love to show off my entire collection at home but until I live in a mansion with a secret room behind a bookcase I’d rather not take any risks myself, as sad as that is.

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If you buy a safe another thing to keep in mind, if fire proof it is best to place the safe near a wall closet to the outside of your house. If your house burns down the hottest point will typically be the center since it normally has the most stuff (wood from stucture and items from your house). You can also get a vault door if you wish to have a concrete room built for your items. Also you want to add layers of security as a deterrent, cameras and dogs can go a long way.

Rule number uno, never let nobody know, how much dough you hold, cuz you know, the cheddar breed jealousy, specially if that man f**ked up, get yo ass stuck up.


If it’s just sending out your return address that you are worried about then get a PO box. I’d also hope you have insurance if you are talking about a 5 figure collection though.

I have a gun safe for my nicer stuff. If you end up with a safe, make sure to spend the money on a good one. Fire ratings on cheaper safes are not adequate.

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Just collect 2 of everything and bury one set in the Appalachians :grin:


As an alternative to a safe, you could also utilize PWCC’s vault as well.

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Z&G put out a video a few days ago outlining pretty much what has been covered with some additional details around insurance, PWCC vault, etc.

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