How can you show off your collection without the risks ?

@7l7l I think @xylenthian , is in the Netherlands so a robust exercise of US second amendment rights is likely to land him in jail. :grin:


Haha, hereā€™s to the next 11+ years to complete your collection a second time just to bury one set. :laughing: :wink: Maybe I should do the same with my Pikachu collection.


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Have you ever watched the series ā€œThe Honorable Womanā€? The protagonist is a high profile leader of a controversia non profit organization with many threats to her safety. She thus has a panic room. I would like this eventually. It is fairly common place in very high end apartments ($10M+) that are purchased by international buyers with enemies.

Iā€™m in the Appalachians - please feel free to bury your collection in my backyard.

Marking it with a big red X would be appreciated as well. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


If you buy a safe, you need to have it hidden. Even a $10,000 safe I could break in with a $50 grinder.

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Best use of that emoji thus far by far. :grin:


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Anyway, since Iā€™m not too contributing with my comments thus far:

You can post it on social media. Make a thread here and post pictures. Post pictures on Instagram. Make some YouTube videos.
Thatā€™s what I personally do. Although thatā€™s primarily because I barely know anyone nearby that also collects PokĆ©mon cards. Apart from family members, I think only three people have seen my collection thus far in person in the five years Iā€™ve been collecting. :blush:


Have them in a fire proof safe, about 700 lbs bolted into floor,ā€¦next to some, not all my pew pews.
The others are loaded on me.
Have cameras outside, dogs inside, house alarmā€¦you ignore all thoseā€¦
Play stupid games win stupid prizes

Just my thoughts


Sleep with a nice gun under the pillow, it always works (if you donā€™t miss)

get a good boi.

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Like some others said, PWCC vault is a great option if your collection isnā€™t too expensive. Once the value gets very high though itā€™s probably more cost effective to rent a storage unit or something instead of paying the value based fee