Have Yourself a Very Poke Christmas!

♬ Pika-bells, Pika-bells, Pika all the way! ♪
As some of you know, I’ve been clearing out my storeroom. (I got tired of waiting for the producers of “Storage Wars” to give me a call.) So, many of my Poke-goodies now have happy new homes. But there are still a few things to which I’m having trouble saying goodbye.

I think I’ll keep this one around long enough to enjoy for one final Christmas :blush:

The only question is whether, after all these years, I should finally take it out of the box. :laughing:


Now there’s something I’ve never seen before😮

Wow! I remember one year I tried looking for pokemon christmas ornaments and everything available were late 90s items on ebay and they were over priced at the time. Don’t know what this year’s tree is going to be about but I will try to add a pokemon or two lol :blush:

@japanime is that the only set you have?

I’ve got two of the Christmas trees, plus quite a few Christmas plushes. When we set up our holiday display, I’ll post more pictures here :grin: