Have these packs been resealed?

Bought these packs from a pretty big store on eBay. I have never bought much sealed product so thats why I am asking here if these packs were resealed? on the sides 2 out of 3 of the packs seem to have 3-4 little slits. as well the silver tab on 2 of the packs seems to have been slit? what do you guys think??


Those slits are there for a reason. So they relieve air pressure . If you’ve ever been in an airplane or in the mountains with a bag of chips you’ll see why.

Same thing would happen with these booster packs.

Thank you I had no idea about that as I know not every single pack I have had has had those slits so thats very interesting.

Some packs have them but they’re so tiny you can’t notice them. Modern packs are this way. They have tiny pin sized holes under the flaps.

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All the packs I’ve bought from Collector’s Cache have that. No other packs I’ve bought have them as bad as from Cache.

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Completely normal and a sign of authenticity :wink:


I have them on my packs also, no worries. I have dozens of loose packs and some from boxes so it checks out.

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So technically encapsulating a booster pack is not a good Idea?

Heh…flaps…(had to doo it, one of us has to be the outspoken immature one)
My jungle booster packs have the slits(that one is for free) they are more noticable than on modern packs as these are on the edges of the pack rather than hidden.