Happy New Years everyone in the efour community!

Happy new years e(eve)e for some people, and for some it’s already a new year! I would like to thank everyone in the community for their threads/videos this year, I really loved reading through all the threads and seeing other people’s collections grow throughout this crazy year to take my mind off of my own personal struggles.

I’ve been reading the forums since late 2019, but never felt confident enough until around 2020 to actually make an account and share my thoughts on things (although, I’ve never been much of a fan of most social media related platforms, but I’ve been warming up to it while being under lockdown). I joined the discord server as well this year! It’s really been a blast and I kind of regret not doing it sooner, there’s so many lovely and passionate people out there such as @rustedharmony , @qwachansey , @quuador , (Too many people to list, you’re all lovely!) in this community to share discussions with, it’s incredible.

I’ve made a lot of additions to my collection this year that I’m very proud of and will cherish for years to come, I’ve achieved a few goals that I set out for myself in 2019 but the hunt will never truly end, but I’ll take my time and enjoy the ride!

As for 2021, I’m planning to pursue more additions to my eevee/eeveelution collection and possibly do more master sets, I’ve been meaning to finish Neo 1 in Japanese for a while and 2021 is a good time as ever to finish that set!

It’s been a rocky year, I’ve faced a lot of hardships this year but…my personal family being there for me after long days of work and everyone at efour contributing numerous threads/content over the year, really brightened up many of my days. I am very grateful to be a part of such an incredible community and I look forward to contributing to it more in the near future.

I wish you all a happy new year!

Much love,


@stevenpalmsp, Happy New Year! I also love Eevee, reminds me of my first Pokemon game - XD Gale of Darkness the best game ever haha. Glad you’re here, looking forward to seeing you on the fourum more!


Happy new year everyone!


Happy New Year :tada: To a year of great collection additions!



Happy New Year 2021!


Happy New Year! :blush:


happy new years, lets hope 2021 is not a v2.2020 :wink: