Hey all, first time posting my collection.
I’ve focused more on collecting non-official TCG items, so I haven’t collected all Japanese TCG cards yet. I do have some neat items you probably haven’t seen before so check it out: imgur.com/a/9WfA1
Thanks! You should start looking on Yahoo JP auctions if you want to find some rare items. A lot of interesting things I have were bought from there. The only downside is that you have to use a middleman service that can get pricey. You usually have to search in japanese, so here are a few search terms if you look into it.
ミュウ カード (mew card)
ミュウ ステッカー (mew sticker)
ミュウ ポケモン (mew pokemon)
Thanks I appreciate it! Ya I’ve never dealt on Yahoo JP auctions so I don’t know much about them. Also I don’t know Japanese so this will help me out a lot! Thanks!
I love seeing one Pokemon collections! If you haven’t already check out @skinst collection it is setup very cool, one card at a time - oh and it is Mew double wammy
I’ll have to check it out then. Its just that I don’t speak Japanese and am not familiar with Yahoo Japan, although I have heard it mentioned quite a bit on this forum.
Oooh very nice. I like seeing the Meiji cards and other misc cards from outside the TCG sets! Are you looking into getting the trainer cards? (I don’t reccomend it only because they’re HELL to obtain)
Also that fake almost gave me a heart attack until I realised it was fake XD;
It’s quite daunting at first but once you get the hang of things it becomes just like ebay but with middlemen, there is a search guide with useful search terms and tips in the insider bureau you should check out also if you need more help just ask on the forums and you will get it
@hahahawaii, there are tons of Mew collectibles on Yahoo Japan, and many of them are quite reasonably priced. It’s definitely worth checking out. (By the way, you have a very cool username!)