Hey guys! I had a question that I could probably find out myself but would take a lot of time tbh lol. So I wanted to know what was the tier of gold stars, mainly based on value? So I know the dogs (raikou, entries, suicuine) are the cheapest and I’d guess you could say low tier gold stars, then there’s the eeveelutions, but after that I don’t know tbh lol. Ray would be #1 and then Charizard I assume, but if anyone has a compiled list of the tiers of goldstars, and preferably with the prices of those goldstars in psa 10, it would be super helpful to me thanks in advance!
I made this spreadsheet about a month ago using averages derived from auction prices realized, a resource provided by PSA. I will let you derive them into “tiers” as you see fit.
To further that point I’d really like to know why the value of the Ex Deoxys Rayquaza Gold Star is so high.
I’ve kinda disregarded the Gold Stars in general for how the prices have been artificially inflated but for that one in particular I’d really like to know.
It really is something else, although I’ve always been a huge fan of shiny Rayquaza, the Shining Legends Rayquaza is one of the only modern cards I have PSA graded.
Good point Scott. I didn’t account for any nefarious activity when I made the sheet. It was made with rough averages, mostly so I could derive those ratios you see on the right side. I was trying to see which gold stars command the highest premium in a 10 grade.
I’d say that while your numbers are on the high side for averages, the ratios are still pretty on point with what I was expecting. Also, the nefarious activity, while more prevalent on more expensive cards, I’d say is washed out in the ratio calculations since it’s probably okay to assume that all graded gold star cards, 10 or not, will have nefarious activity.
As a side note, if you really wanna know what cards are popular, I’d say look at the ratios – if the 10:9 is high, then it’s either because the card is uber hard to get (torchic) or is highly desired (no one wants to settle for a 9 for a card they really want when they can get a 10 instead).
Some people think a higher ratio indicates instability but I argue that it’s the opposite if the reason isn’t due just to scarcity and the sales are pretty consistent.
Also, how accurate would you say this spreadsheet is? Because based off of what I’ve seen recently on the market (both eBay and instagram). I’ve found Mewtwo GS people have been valuing it $600-$700, while Kyogre has been getting a solid $900-1,000 asking price. Those are two cards I’ve seen often so that’s the only example I had. I’m very new to gold stars, but I’d assume since Mewtwo is a very popular Pokémon it would be a higher value than I’ve seen? I adore Kyogre GS’s artwork lol it just seems weird I’ve been seeing it for higher than Mewtwo
Prices are always subject to change, they are based on the supply and demand at the time. If someone was able to sell a Mewtwo GS at $1000 because there were few on the market, then other copies may come out of the woodwork from sellers trying to fetch that same price. Then due to a lack of demand and natural market competition, the price will fall until a copy sells. The cards are worth exactly what someone is willing to pay, and unless you have confirmed sales data from Instagram somehow, I would take it with a grain of salt.
The opposite may have been true with the Kyogre Gold Star. There are only 41 copies of Kyogre in a 10 and exactly twice as many Mewtwos. Therefore the supply is less which drives the price up. If you are concerned with accuracy of the resource I provided I would encourage you to copy the spreadsheet and update it monthly or as you see fit. You will learn a lot more that way and understand the pulse of the market. Good luck!
As already mentioned by other members, the hierarchy is accurate. There can always be fluctuation; perhaps a someone buys out a certain card for some reason, or people were sleeping on the exclusivity of some cards *cough espeon umbreon *cough.
Either way this has been the general breakdown for awhile now. Thanks @youngbambino for taking the time to make a comprehensive spreadsheet!