Ghostface Haunter Error

I was wondering if anyone else has this error card, do people know if it is legitimate ie. where this card originates from (presumably the WOTC theme decks which are littered with errors) and also what the population of this particular card is - has anyone had theirs graded successfully?

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pictures? I’ve no idea what this is?!


Trying to get more drawings of dicks through PSA are we?


No. On Bulbapedia it was once listed as a legitimate error although it has since been removed from the list, I was just wondering if anyone else had a Haunter with the same error, if they do did they get it graded and also what the population of the card is. A print hickey in the shape of Ghostface as in the painting Scream or the slasher horror series by the same name.

:dizzy_face: :exploding_head:
Cue X-Files theme.

These types of errors will affect a batch so there should definitely be others. Calculating the pop is basically impossible though since PSA will slab it like a normal card and CGC will give it a nonspecific label like “printer hickey”


I feel like I’ve seen this before but don’t remember where.

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Sure, if PSA graded other cards with the same error presumably they would have just been registered as Shadowless (which the card is), pretty sure they originated in the ZAP! Shadowless theme decks… :thinking:

I saw a picture on r/PokemonTCG of one yesterday. Unless that was you lol.

Only place I post will be this forum so it wasn’t me, my mind couldn’t handle grappling with loads of social media accounts or a Youtube channel. :slightly_smiling_face:

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