Future of Trainer Gallery Cards

Mostly 1st edition base, but i will be receiving quite a bit of the 151 set today. I think base and 151 cards go along very well together and if japanese is an indicator most should be cheap like the trainer gallery cards. I share some of my cards on my instagram page, i will give it to you via messages.

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That can already be disproven immediately, so not sure what was the point of saying it.

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Tbh the art is just as good as any of the hard chases and definitely nice they are on the cheaper end.

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Some of them are already doing well only after 1-2 years. Starmie V PSA 10 is close to $200 for example.

Yes they are mass printed and cheaper, but still some fantastic art and some popular characters/Pokemon. Can see them being decent in a few years.

Prices fluctuate a lot on modern set cards. We both dont know what will happen in the future but we can use common sense. The demand is going trough the roof right now, which means the only way demand can go right now is down, not up. Meanwhile the supply is going to 10x over the coming years. I dont think the current skyhigh demand can keep up with the 10x in supply the coming years, so prices can only go down. Im very curious how you think of this and if im overlooking something?

Some modern set cards have already increased in value, some have decreased in value. So the statement that modern cards will not increase jn value is just wrong. You also said that nobody knows what will happen in the future, which is correct, which means that nobody know if the price will go up or down. If you think modern set cards will never go up, that is fine, but nobody can truthfully say that they will not go up.


Agreed, but that is in the very short term. A few years ago i bought a 1st edition base set squirtle psa 9 for around 400 usd. Shortly after that the price went above 1k. That price increase triggered a massive amount of 1st edition squirtle submissions to psa. Now a few years later the pops on these cards increased significantly, the demand could not keep up with the supply and now the card is worth around 150. Look i felt victim to this too. I believe this is doomed to happen for 99% of modern set cards as they are less rare and always in mint condition. Ofcourse there will be cards that do better than others but overal modern set cards wont go up in value imo.

I can go on mercari and buy a hundred of them for less than a dollar a piece. Pricing them out and thinking long term, I don’t see them dropping further than that.
I’ll happily pick up 100 for 50$ if that’s the case!

I think a couple of the higher end ones like Pikachu & Rayquaza VMAX have potential to really grow as the years go by but 99% of them will stay the same

I’m not talking about the latest sets or even generation, SM is modern isn’t it? Look at those raw prices now. I don’t think SWSH will come close to matching that because it’s been printed a lot more than SM, but that already refutes your statement. BW/XY, also referred to as modern have certain cards that have increased as well though fewer UR cards helps pull rates.

But, besides that, not sure why you’re so confident in supply skyrocketing. We already know the estimated pull rates and print runs of the cards. This isn’t WOTC, 1 box 12 holos. The pull rates are awful.

The question is how much supply is too much? TG CSRs are around 200-250k, and FAs, RRs and Gold cards are all less than that - between 80-180k. And even at those amounts, many of those cards are pretty unsellable. But is that really peak demand for Pokemon? 250k people? Doesn’t seem like much.

I’m not sure a common card - 1st edition or not - is a good comparison to cards that are individually very rare. Honestly, I think I’m bearish on grading in the long run. It’s more of a flipper’s paradise than it is a collector’s one and I think that will have an impact on “modern” cards.

Perhaps you should define “go up”? Like, what % is significant enough for you to acknowledge? Because the majority of Pokemon cards are of low rarity and of course won’t go up. Even Base-DP, non-holos are not expensive at all. Even many holos are not.

Put yourself in the perspective of a new collector; these cards offer the most artistic value per dollar. It feels like a segment collectors will naturally deviate to until the value isn’t there anymore.

I don’t think they will ever be expensive cards, but I don’t think they will slope downwards indefinitely either. $600 currently gets you all 120 TG cards, chases and trainers included.

they are definitely better than a decent amount of “Alt Arts” for sure! which is great :smile:

Agreed, I should have been more specific i was referring to the TG cards. Because most prices start rising just recently and supply of graded copies always move with a lag im very confident in a year or two 99% of 'modern" cards will be worth less than todays prices.

Dont get me wrong they are awesome and cheap and i have quite a few of them but i dont think they will ever be valuable, theres millions of them. If the prices go up on these i and a lot others around the world are going to send them suddenly to grading companies.

Thanks for your feedback, always appreciate opposite opinions!

Dude it seems like you need to just pull an alt art or something

Nobody here is stonking on modern. It’s just what’s available at the stores obviously people will buy it. And when stuff’s out of print it has historically always gone up in value. Suggesting that it will continue to do this for an era that objectively looks better and is more popular than xy and sm (which have both grown) is pretty odd

Agreed, i might with this new 151 set. I just try to temper the expecations a bit of everyone that asks / thinks their modern set cards will become valuable in the future. In the end of the day it just my opinion and i always appreciate different views.

People with doubles won’t sell them for $2 on eBay, as your net is under $1, not worth your time listing.

If the price goes up to $5 over time, there will be a large supply added to the market, creating a soft ceiling for them. TG cards are awesome value, but the massive supply will hold them back from climbing tremendously


This is the same sentiment I share, but I did not know how to put it into words. If they ever become worthwhile to sell, the supply will readily be able to meet that.


@bill I disagree with your pessimistic view of modern cards. Here’s why:

  • A big reason a lot of people, especially on this forum, loves WOTC and collect it is because those people grew up as kids during the WOTC boom. There is a big nostalgia factor attracting us back to those cards. Later generations will have their attachments to later generations of pokemon like XY, Sun & Moon, and eventually Sword & Shield.
  • Prices for truly rare and exceptional modern cards like Alt Arts I believe longterm will gain value well. Could they dip in between? Of course. But think about this. Their prices are already very high, to the point where most people buying them are adults with extra cash who just like the card and the chase. Do you really think the 12 yr old who never got to open Lugia V Alt Art from Silver Tempest isn’t going to consider going back and buying it when he’s in his 20’s or 30’s and he gets that wave of nostalgia?
    *I constantly hear that WOTC is cheap relative to modern. I think if you are looking at pure fundamentals and pop reports then, yes of course I agree. BUT, I would argue Pokemon has grown a lot since that era and most of the new collectors are likely younger generations. The amount of people collecting vintage cards is smaller than the amount collecting modern. If Pokemon continues to grow, this trend will likely continue. See even though you are adding more people and cards to the market, I think you are primarily adding younger generations who are going to be more interested in the later cards.
    *I love a classic WOTC holo. I grew up with that era and it will also have a special nostalgic feel for me. But its pretty obvious to me that Brilliant Stars Charizard V Alt Art with him fighting Venusaur is a more beautiful card than Base Set Charizard. If you don’t have the emotional attachment to the original era OR if you aren’t into collecting vintage things, then you are going to go for the higher quality art which is one reason why I think we see so much demand soaking up all the increased printing. Its also why the even more rare rainbow cards are not going up in value like the Alt Arts, because people want the better art which is the Alt Art, not just the better rarity.
    *Price of anything is set at the margins. If there are 2000 PSA 10 Giratina V Alt Arts from Lost Origin now, the current street price of about $700 for one is not the price we would have if all 2000 of them hit the market at the same time. Obviously the price would tank. These modern chase cards that are highly desirable are getting bought up. Some will get sold off over time, but a lot of young collectors are likely convinced they are sitting on gold and will want to hold it for the long haul. I think as long as Pokemon is healthy and growing those cards will get sold less and less and stay in people’s collections keeping the prices up.
    *You really can’t make the blanket statement modern won’t do well at increasing in value just like you can’t make a blanket statement that vintage will. Some eras of vintage have steadily gone up on the whole but some cards haven’t done that well at all. You have to be good at picking what people like and will continue to like. If item A has 10x the amount made as item B but is 50x more popular then I’m putting my money on A. I mean this is a reason too, why a lot of old Japanese promos I happen to love are simply not as liquid. Not as many people know about them or care about them so it’s a smaller buying pool.

The funny thing about popularity is that it waxes and wanes. Modern is moving at light speed, and there is a new flavor each month. What happens if popularity doesn’t hold or grow for that specific era? What’s going to happen to the 10,000+ graded PSA 10 alt arts?

Look at XY for example. Most English set cards are not worth a lot of money in 2023. But when the sets came out (especially the later sets that aligned with PokemonGo), it was pandemonium. Demand was so great that many sets in the late XY block were reprinted several times. And while the sealed product has increased (as it often tends to do), the English chase card prices are pretty abysmal when compared to the alt arts and special character cards of S/M or SW/SH.

Nobody has a crystal ball, and SW/SH may develop differently from B/W, X/Y, etc. But we need to remember the very real power that is demand, and how fickle it can become when new shiny cards are dangled in front of our eyes so regularly.


Thanks for the reply!
It still feels like complete oversaturation at the moment for me.
Every 2 months theres 25 new chase cards added. In a few years there will be hundreds / thousands of chase cards for the younger generation to choose from. What is the chance the 12 year old is going to pick a specific chase card in 20 years and is willing to spend 500+ on it? I still have a bit of doubt that will ever happen but all your points make sense too.