

I’m on PS4.

Does anyone still play?

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I dont play anymore as it makes me a bit uncomfortable how young the player base is now. Too old to play games with ten yr olds haha. I do love watching players on twitch still though.

ssjcollins on PC.

I mob HARD.

191 Lifetime wins
8.01% win percentage
4,549 kills
2.08 KD

Been playing since S2

I’m a god amongst men


I still play but pretty much down to once a week.

Anyone else check out the concert? I thought it was pretty solid. Actually caught the original and then the encore with a different squad. It was 2 PM and 2 AM local for me.

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I was able to watch the rerun of the concert. Was pretty interesting, Epic games has a way of doing things that have not been done in other games before which I like. I’m still pretty active playing if any of you sweaty members want to squad up sometime.

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Playing apex now. Its so good. Prefer the pace to fortnite.

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I’m not a fan of Apex at all. Doesn’t even feel like the same game.

Lower skill ceiling. Bouncy first-person play. Strictly point and shoot.

That said, Dan and I are still enjoying fortnite most Saturday nights and we are always open to a fourth (usually have three).