Flea market adventures

Hey y’all,

So I was looking for some pokemon toys to hand out to my kiddo patients, and the off chance I found something for myself, and stumbled upon a bunch at my local flea market from a craigslist add. So today, Sunday, I went for a little trip. I thought it was pretty cool to see all these cards, most were in played condition but they had a whole bunch. I thought I would share some pictures. Enjoy.

I was informed these packs were on sale for $1. The lady promptly informed me that they were NOT fake cards and doesn’t sell any fake cards anymore… Immediately I started to think they were fake. lol

Have any of you gone on adventures to your local flea market and found any gems? Cool stories?



Yikes! If the store owner told me they were selling fakes in the past, I would run away from the store immediately. That’s really suspicious!

My local flea market essentially for pokemon cards: