
This is really reckless, dangerous spending and I urge you to stop right now and cash out on those. Take whatever loss you have to reselling these low grades and pay off your debt. Learn it the hard way and at least don’t make it worse.

I’m sorry if this comes off as strong but I hate to see someone put themselves in such a dour position over something like this. This debt isn’t frivolous and will affect you longterm. :slightly_frowning_face:


Hell ya fellow retards, let us all open fresh credit cards and post loss porn here together in what will go down in history as the great loss-porn thread!!!

It looks like feeble is making a play at one of the top generals to lead us into battle. Are there any challengers? Pics help paint the story well too!


most of it is pay pal credit 0% for 6 months deal only a small portion is loan and the other portion is paid… its not as bad as i made it sound i suppose… still a bit overboard nonetheless…hah thanks for warning i agree with u fully

I hope you’re in a position to pay it off before the interest kicks in. I do this too but never for this much. X.X

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by the way…if any body on this thread has any spare change or anything would be appreciated… anything helps during this time god bless u


sold both of my 1st ed base zards at 3k each last january both psa 8.
probably could’ve made 70k just waiting a few months


Shows you how ridiculous the complaining about the retraces is lol. People need to internalize the fact that nothing can go from $3k → $30k in less than a year without seriously retracing in the value. It simply wasn’t organic price growth.

The fact that it’s 5x what it was less than 1.5 years ago is still a ridiculous amount of price appreciation over a ridiculously short period of time. It could retrace by an additional 50% and still be over twice as expensive as it was last year lol.


3k for an 8!!! is that real life??

Looking at April PWCC a BGS 5 went for $5500 and a PSA 4 went for $5300. So you can just sell the PSA 5 and break even. Maybe even make money. I’d suggest auctioning the BGS 2 as well. There are a lot of low grade Zards and you can buy one back that you are happy with in the future when your financial situation is better.

Oh sorry I thought you were OP but my advice still applies lol

Yeah, feels like 5 minutes ago as well. I missed several opportunities to pull the trigger at those prices but honestly don’t regret it. The price vs value to you is always relative. If I didn’t really want to pay 3k 18 months ago, then the card obviously didnt mean enough to me to want to pay that price. If I wanted to pay that price now then the only reason would be because of the massive value increase- but then I wouldn’t be buying it because I really wanted to collect the card, I’d be buying it cos of stonkz and FOMO. In that case I might as well gamble with crypto or the stock market. This is why people who treat this as a hobby and buy cards they love for the price that’s worth it to them are the real winners. They don’t need to stress about market values because they just want the cards and will pay what it’s worth to them. The more astute collectors will also buy doubles so they can benefit from both the collecting and stonking aspects of the hobby.

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I bought a 1st Ed base Mewtwo for $5.3k back in October. It hit around $2.5-$3k at it’s low point I think. Frankly not upset that I purchased near the peak. It taught me not to get drawn into fomo or make decisions emotionally, both lessons which I think will benefit me much more than a couple grand loss (in the short term).


pwcc might be the move… i dont really have a need to sell my 5. that purchase im proud of. im happy to make payments on that and continue to own that card. i just want to sell the beckett.

is pwcc my best bet to sell that in your experience? if you wore my shoes and needed to sell a card like this, do you do pwcc auction?

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is that your largest purchase in the hobby so far

@qwachansey, They are the same. For some reason this user has two accounts.

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I bought a lot during the hype too. I really only buy if it’s 20% or more below current market value and I still took some short term losses.

In 10-15 years from now people will wish they could pay the Logan Paul hype prices.

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my phone randomly saves or looses passwords to accounts like this after restart so i use 2 emails and have accounts for both passwords but ya


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I bought more than I could afford, overleveraged and am upset because stonks didn’t continue. Sad stuff…

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