Favorite Card to Gift Others?

Hey all, just wondering what your favorite card to send to other collectors is. The ideal gift would be one that is cheap enough to send to multiple people, yet special enough to be meaningful for those who have helped you along your collecting journey. What are your go-to “gift” cards?

Gifted this to my brother in law for his 35th birthday recently. Great card.

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vs furret


Nothing says “I love you” like the Pokekyun cards with their heart-shaped reverse holo gloss and hyper-sweet artworks!


I love giving friends and relatives the promos that are tie-ins with Japanese clothing companies, such as Beams. I give them both the article of clothing as well as the promo.

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Ancient Mew



I recently gave someone a Birthday Pikachu from Celebrations, and wrote their name in the space. I also crossed out the 24 at the bottom and wrote their age. :blush:


I second Ancient Mew.

There’s multiple sealed variants from multiple releases, including a recent modern print, and I think it’s a card with universal appeal. It is a modest gift but a fine one.

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I choose based on what they collect - If they don’t like a specific species then Birthday Pikachu, but almost everyone has a favourite pokemon

I usually gift my friends a card of their favorite species. On top of that, I try to get them a card they may have never seen before. My one buddy is collecting Dragonite cards so I got him the promo that came with the Japanese version of the Pokemon TCG for Gameboy.

Palace book

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I gifted Birthday Pikachu (Celebrations) on my brother’s birthday. Wrote his name in and everything.

I also gave my girlfriend a copy of Altaria (Pokekyun) on her last birthday. It had two of her favorite pokemon in it, Altaria and Sylveon. So it was the perfect card.

For this year, I’m gifting her a PSA 9 Ooyama’s Pikachu Vending Promo. She likes weird and cute art. She specifically requested this card as a gift.

For the first year and a half, this card was a perfect gift; Cheap enough to send to multiple people and universally liked artwork and imagery.

But nowadays, due to its price, I’d like to think it’s reserved for the more special occasions. But still a gorgeous card.

Love the thought that you guys put into your gifts!