Fake Modern Japanese & Munch Promos?

This is crazy. Are they making fake Japanese modern cards now? These look fake to me. Maybe they aren’t but the texture and the back looks wrong.

The Giratina looks real on the front but the back looks off too me. All these from the same seller with low ratings. Are they really making fakes of these cards now or are these real and I’m just paranoid?

Yes they’re fake. As would typically happen with anything that gets expensive, the cards became magnets to scam practices


Yes, be sure that a fake replica exists for every single Pokemon card, even the cheapest ones,

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Thanks guys. Wow that’s crazy! Seems like the giratina would be really hard to mimic I wonder how much the fake got the texture down? Kind of scary!

I do the rip test on all my cards. I’d rather have a real card ripped in half than a fake whole card.


Yes, some chinese manufacturer can replicate texture, here’s a fake card that I found some time ago:

It feels rough to the touch, text is crisp with a good general appeal to the eye. They feel very stiff when bent (like ~2x the normal card thickness), and the art is obviously scanned and low quality, so you can easily spot them in real life.
Be careful, and always check how a card reacts to the light at different angles when buying online.


Wow crazy how some people will pour immense time and energy and money into scamming others. Like imagine if they put all that energy into something positive and productive? lol

Thanks for the warnings. Hopefully non of my recent buyee purchases were fakes. Fortunately all of them are cards worth less than $60 per transaction but who knows? They all looked legit unlike my original post above which looked fake.

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I just saw a listing for an eevee munch “sticker”. Same dimensions and thickness as a regular card but a weird wood grain pattern. $8. I almost bought one just for the lols