Fake 1ED Charizard - Sold


Same seller selling fake English Shining Zard…:confounded:

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That shining zard doesn’t look nearly as bad as the base set one. Seems an influx of Japanese sellers with english card lately. Wonder if there trying to scam intentionally or if they are getting duped without the experience of handling the english cards

Definitively better but still a clear proxy, the borders are too thin and there is something off with the holo.

I think its probably a mix of both but most likely it people trying to scam intentionally. With prices being what they are this will most likely become more and more common.

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It’s also a lot harder to reverse a sale from an international scam. So if they trick someone into paying, it’s a done deal.

This will get worse unfortunately.

Shining zard sold for $950, crazy the amounts of money these scammers are making :confused:

A good reason why you should ease into buying pokemon cards before dropping hundreds if not thousands on a single card :S

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