English Promo list

So that burmy is one that came in the blister packs?

I’ll send you a message :wink:

English Promo List:

As I have used this list before and it is a little outdated I updated it quite a bit. I added to all of the current categories as well as adding in just about every other sub set and promo card I could find. I also added collapsible menus so it would not be quite so overwhelming. If there is any one on here that likes English promos and knows of some of the more obscure ones or just regular ones that I missed just let me know. I would like to have everything in here that is not considered part of the normal set. Any kind of variations in prints or promos, or subsets that have variations. I tried to put everything I could find.

I know there are quite a few energy promos that I don’t know much about. Not the various RH sets but there are plenty, or at least a few, unnumbered ones. I have a few non holo that came from certain collection boxes and whatnot.


This original list of course: abv150
jab2004’s checklist

Download link:
****updated 20150505*****

*** Disclaimer*** To abv150, I’m not trying to steal your work or anything. I just really like how you did the checklist and I was always adding to it so I thought I would post my complete update just for completions sake. Thanks!

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