English Grand Prix Charizard

There’s only been a few Charizard cards that never made it over to English. Since this was from the winner of an art contest do you think the card will ever come to English or remain exclusive to Japan?

Pretty sure they tend to leave art winners in their designed language

Doubtful, but considering they are adding a Charizard to every set at the moment it wouldn’t surprise me if they do add it for lack of anything else.


A lack of anything else? But they haven’t done a shining rainbow rare full art vmax mega y gold star ex gx delta species yet


Add first edition crystal to that list.

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It would be nice if they printed some of the other illustrations from the contest.


I have to say, that Milotic would make a really pretty card.

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You forgot hyper amazing reverse vmax prism sheen holofoil with a web holofoil variant exclusive to packs seeded randomly within mystery power boxes

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