eBay sellers - I could do with some help!

Silly me - you are absolutely right. I need a new brand.

I was thinking ‘Tall Grass Cards’ or ‘Victory Road Cards’ or something. I’d like to come up with something good as I just got a load of XY era boxes in and I’ll start selling soon enough.

With a different name, you are not limiting yourself to just Pokémon. I would not use ‘Tall Grass Cards’ because a lot of people in USA have a stick up their rear over weed. So says the man who lives in a state in which the attorney general is suing the neighboring state over legalizing it.
I prefer ‘Victory Road Hobbies’, or ‘Victory Road Sales’ over ‘Victory Road Cards’ because you are not limiting yourself to cards. You just never know when opportunities will arise.

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“Collectibles” is another good word which encompasses a variety of possible merchandise

As if Tall Grass Cards has anything to do with weed!?

Good shout on the names. No idea what I’ll be selling in the future…