E4 Pokemon Database?

Hey folks,

Is there an existing database (ideally in excel format) of information held somewhere at E4?

I’ve got a background in financial analysis and data analytics (and way too many hours spent in powerpoint and excel…) and am interested in producing market-research-like reports on the hobby, trends, comparative analytics between sets (I think I can get some of this data from PSA), etc.

Happy to explain my vision in greater detail if it’s of interest to others. Thanks for any help!

Neat idea, what kind of data are you looking for exactly? E4 has/knows of many resources that may be able to help.

Thanks for the quick reply, TJ!

One topic I’m particularly interested in triangulating / correlating is the relationship between perceived “Pokemon Popularity”, estimated print volumes of sets over time, and the volume of graded cards in each set (i.e. gem rates for particular sets, cards, etc.).

I believe I can get the graded pop data from PSA, so I’d really love to find data on estimated print volumes for each set (focused primarily on B&W and older) as well as any data that may help quantify consumer interest/popularity/demand in the hobby.

I’d also be interested in building a database of common flaws/issues with each set. I’m sure we’d all love to try and grade a 10 in a more economical fashion versus purchase one at full price, so created a list of common print errors/flaws for each set would be interesting as well.


Gotcha I don’t know if we have exactly what you’re looking for, but here are some good resources regarding pritn volumes :

General Print run estimate:
An elaborate attempt at print run estimation. (WIP) 5-8-18

ex era print run discussion:
ex series print sizes?

And honestly just searching print runs in the search bar gives you many more good articles. Though be weary print sizes are an age old question that really can only be speculated on with our current information.

Best of luck with the data :slightly_smiling_face:

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