E4 3rd Annual Art Contest Announcement (With Launch Date and latest info!)

One of the of the main rules (on the past 2 threads and will be on the upcoming one as well) is to only submit your work during the submission period. It will be very clear in large green text at the top of the thread OP. All stages will be. Until then, do not post it anywhere on the forum!

Art is submitted in that thread once the submission period commences.


Hell yeah can’t wait, I wasn’t around for the last two so I’m excited :raised_hands:


Excited for this! Looking forward to seeing everyone’s creations.

Hopefully the contest will be run better than the Craig Turvey Snorlax/WOTC Create-A-Card that @stagecoach just posted about.

P.S. I just bought a PSA 8 Craig Turvey Snorlax to crack for my binder - such a great hand drawn card.


Are you insinuating the organizers are anything but experienced, seasoned professionals, my good sir?



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Alright! Gettin down to business


Yeahhhhh!!! Lookin’ nice. Also sick Futurama frame with Billy sig =D


Little bump for visibility… countdown for 10 days!

Also wanted to make a note to new prospective contestants, that there are dimensions requirements, so be sure to check out the 2nd art contest to check out the rules in advance, which will be basically the same in the 3rd year. I wanted to mention this because some might start art early and I don’t want this to come to a big surprise. All art is accepted, so it isn’t strict, but it is ideal to get them in the dimensions listed from last year. The correct dimensions are 4 x 2.25 (or more commonly 4000 x 2250, ignore wrong math on thread, the edit was not transferred on new site).

Lastly, I want to use this opportunity to tell everyone that gareth’s badges are SICK AS HELL. He did a whole revamp/redesign and they frankly look way better than the first two years. SO awesome.


Following on the heels of some discussions that have happened on this forum recently, a thought just popped in my head. I know your stance on it @brendantheclayboy, but the contest this year might want to add some rules (if any) on AI-generated work? Lest we end up like this. Don’t know if we could even reliably identify AI work though—might just have to go on the honor system here.


There already is a rule for this, which falls implicitly under the plagiarization rule. We might add a line specifically about this, sure, but everyone knows using this isn’t your own work. It would be shameful to use it in a contest that celebrates artistic creativity and passion, but I suppose the point might be made since the utilization of such technology is becoming more convenient.

It is an honor system for sure, and I trust people will act with a fairness and conscientious respect for the work of others by not cheating, which this very much would be. I am not worried about it though. It’s also stated in the rules that funny business is not tolerated and can cause trouble for those who might do anything, but this contest’s modest prizes frankly discourage anything of the sort. The idea of someone creating trouble/distrust for themselves over such an event is unthinkable. And again this is E4 we are talking about, most people here are the most passionate pokemon peeps and artists around.

Thanks for bringing it up bb!


Def will join. hope I have some good ideas xD


Can anyone tell me what the 4000 X 2250 translates to on paper? If I use a standard 8.5 X 11 paper and scan thereafter, is that within bounds?

4000 / 2250 = 1.77 (precisely just the same as a 16x9 widescreen movie / TV if you know your aspect ratios)

11 / 8.5 = 1.29 (which is far more akin to being a fullscreen movie which is 4x3 or 1.33)

If using a piece of computer paper, you would need to cut out the top or bottom of the frame with a ruler or something, to make it so that it is 11 x 6.19, which is about the closest you’ll get.

What I do personally is take canvas paper and draw a box on it instead of using the whole canvas, by blowing up the ratio of 4x2.25 to however big I want to do the painting, which is often basically just 8" x 4.5". If you did the computer paper route it would be just a little bit bigger than that, with the correct dimensions.


Must it be that or is a full art style allowed as well?

I figured you of all people would clarify, you know full arts are always welcome too! That section in the rules is and will always be there. Standard card dimensions. =D

This is a constant reminder that being comprehensive on the actual thread is super easy but trying to remember every detail in an announcement thread as a disclaimer is more a challenge than I give myself credit for!


Sorry, was just having a bit of fun with you clarifying everything. I am of course already planning doing things my own way regardless of the suggested “rules” and “disclaimers”. Im super excited for it this year and love that this competition gives me an outlet to experiment with art styles and mediums. Part of the fun is the process of creation where I have an idea, scrap several iterations of that plan, and end up with something much different than I originally conceived. But art can be like that.


I have my art done I’m just waiting for the submission date haha


Y’know…. You are allowed to do two…


Just sayin

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Right I finished both already :grin: