Thanks guys. I just spent my entire Sunday reorganizing/opening up a Pokemon XY Booster Box. So I’m glad you guys enjoyed it haha. Just glad to be adding to it again.
Gotta go find me some Dusclops/Dusknoir, Ampharos, and Magcargo cards now
Wow @dustyclops loved every single pic on that link, especially all the ones you got from the Neo series. I don’t know if you noticed but you even have the Gengar that was censored in the english series.
Yeah @smpratte mentioned it in one of the newer videos. It’s Sabrina’s Gengar. The Japanese version has like a cemetery in the background and that was censored in the english version of Gym Heroes.
that makes me appreciate that card much more. Thanks for pointing that out. I’d have never known the difference since I don’t have the english Sabrina’s gengar.
Now if only I could find a neo revelation Magneton and Crobat, gotta start working on my older collections haha
You and me both man! I’m still missing a few from each of the Neo sets. I have all the shinning ones but I know I am missing a few holos. Good luck finishing and let me know if you do! Its my favorite series but I’m afraid of completing it lol… I guess if I finish, it I wouldn’t know what set to continue with.