Distinguishing Trainer Magazine and Tropical Mega Battle Bilingual Exeggutor

Hmm I couldn’t say for sure, I was hoping to track down the negatives from our pics but I think they’re long gone. I think siblings got to play for part of it but I doubt they got another card. I have no memory of the phone cards or the winners cards either though so who can say.

When I would google the event a decade ago almost nothing would come up, do you know of any other accounts of the event other than what was in @raichuforyou
's guide?

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Thank you so much for sharing! TMB is one of the most fascinating tournaments to hear about. It’s the first international Pokemon tournament, so seeing those late 90s photos is very interesting. This tournament happened before I was even alive :open_mouth:

Funny you mention that they had the Hitmonlee that we didn’t have in English yet – in subsequent TMB events (2001 and 2002 I believe) they printed some of the Japanese exclusive cards in English (and other languages, Italian? German?) for the Western/non-Japanese contestants – they heard your complaints.

Also, expect some PMs with offers on your Exeggutor.


It was just the Phone Cards, Imakuni, and the Exeggutor I think that are valuable

EDIT: We’re not sure about Imakuni actually

Yeah that’s definitely not a TMB one