Did PSA grade a fake card? (Resolved)


Just seen this card posted on a misprint group on Facebook. Everything about the card is a clear fake. However, both the slab and the PSA label look legit to me. The cert also checks out.

Annoyingly the admins of the Facebook group have kept the post up, but they have disabled commenting for some bizarre reason :man_facepalming: So I’ve posted it here to try and get some answers.

Have PSA graded a fake card? or has someone cracked the label out of a real Ninetales slab and put it in a fake PSA slab along with a fake card? This seems like the most likely scenario. However, unlike the Kingra story (with the Chinese scammer) the original copy is this card is worthless, so why even do that? And if they’re going to replace it with a fake, why use a card that even the most inexperienced Pokemon collectors could tell is fake?

Okay. I have an answer from the OP of the FB post. Turns out he just did it for a laugh. I’ll leave this post up as it may help someone figure out “how” in the future.


This is fun lol

But don’t get it confused, PSA has genuinely graded fake cards before :joy: No one is exempt from error

Because when the admins don’t approve some posts, then other posts get bombarded with “WHY WAS YOURS APPROVED BUT NOT MINE”.

Also it is nice to get community consensus on fakes and a good FYI for everybody

I have a slab like that too