Delcatty EX Battle Stadium Decks foreign release inquiries

I have returned for another question regarding Delcatty cards! This morning I realized that since the German, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese versions of EX Ruby and Sapphire don’t include the e-reader strip, I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between one from the main set and one from the Stadium Decks. Example being in the image below:

So I was made aware that the one difference is the copyright year (2003 for the main set one and 2004 for the Stadium Deck one). However upon further research I can’t find any of this specific Delcatty in foreign languages with any copyright year other than 2003. Was the copyright year only changed to 2004 in English? Does anyone happen to have this Battle Stadium deck in a foreign language and can verify the copyright year of the Delcatty card specifically? Thank you for your time if you’re able to help me out!

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Similar decks - my German Eevee is 2003 and my 3 different Italian Eevees is 2004

These are from the EX Sandstorm set, not EX Ruby & Sapphire, though.

So I’d assume all German EX Sandstorm cards have ©2003 and all Italian EX Sandstorm cards have ©2004?
Or have you found any German EX Sandstorm cards with ©2004 or Italian EX Sandstorm cards with ©2005, which would potentially originate from the EX Battle Stadium Trainer Deck Kits?

I also just made this thread with basically the same underlying question: do German/French/Italian/Spanish/Portuguese EX Ruby & Sapphire cards with different copyright year exist? Origin of ©2005 e-Reader Energy Cards without e-Reader bar?


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Ah I read ex Battle Stadium and thought it was the same product, mixing in different sets.

Edit: Eevee and Delcatty are from the same product. So it should have the same release

I don’t have any European cards that show differing copyright years within the same language. Found it interesting German and Italian had different years

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Yeah, Eevee is indeed in the same EX Battle Stadium Deck Kit, so I understand why you commented. :slight_smile: The deck consists of cards from different sets though, where the Eevee is from EX Sandstorm and the Delcatty from EX Ruby & Sapphire, making the copyright dates of the sets themselves different depending on the language.

Copyright year differences are always interesting (to me at least :wink: ).

Me neither for these sets. It does happen sometimes, like the Spanish Base Set cards with both ©1999 and ©1999-2000 versions for Latin American vs Spain, similar to the English ones for US vs UK.

Hmm… That does make me wonder. Perhaps the ©2005 EX Ruby & Sapphire Energy cards, and perhaps also the Delcatty in extension, are from the Brazilian/Latin American releases instead of the releases from Portugal/Spain. :thinking:


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