[Data] Interest in Pokemon at an All Time High

This may not come to a surprise to some people, but the Pokemon Market is still at a very healthy place in the end of 2022. This data I will showcase supports that interest is at an All Time High. As shown in (Figure A), this is search information Google collects on their users of what is searched in which states. I first looked up the search history of “Pokemon card” and was surprised to realize that the interest is as high as it was in Oct-Nov 2020 when JP made his 1st Ed Booster Box Break video that sparked tremendous interest back into the hobby. I decided to counter this by factoring out the newer game Pokémon Scarlet and Violet interests being mixed up with other results. As you can see I compared the search term “Pokemon Card” to “Pokemon Game” over the past 5 years “Pokemon Card is at a higher searched term then “Pokemon Game” and " Pokémon Scarlet and Violet” is even a smaller searched figure on Google.

(Figure A)

This may not mean much, but it does show all the interest that Pokemon has maintained even at it’s peak. We have seen prices dwindle off and have fallen a year ago. Since then though, prices are beginning to move back up to a more healthy price per piece as shown on TCG Fish’s chart in (Figure B).

(Figure B)

Another Interesting point, is that this is the first time in recent Pokemon history that the Pokemon Game isn’t searched more than the term “Pokemon Card”. During both the Sun & Moon and Sword & Shield Era, as shown in (Figure C) & (Figure D), the term “Pokemon Game” was searched abundantly more then it’s card counterpart during the release of both games.
This Data implies:

-The Pokemon Video Game is becoming less desirable with the general public in comparison to their TCG counter parts when compared in recent years.

(Figure C)

(Figure D)

(Figure E)


It’s interesting to see a clear correlation between game release and a spike in people looking for cards too. Good stuff!!!


I was just thinking this the other day when randomly searching the Google trend chart. It’s interesting.

Regarding the average price, to me it’s not surprising that it is (roughly) the same as pre-boom. Vast majority of sales will be modern, and outside of the boom of COVID, modern is mostly the same price

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The searches that you are attributing to the Sun & Moon release are actually Pokemon Go related (released July 2016).


Based on the request I received,

Next month, the website will also separate the average price chart into 3 eras, Vintage (<=2003), middle part (2004-2008) and modern (>2008), then we can really see something interesting.

The moving trend is still the same, just different magnitude of effects across different era of cards.


I like the title “Middle Part” lol
I personally think it should be “Semi-Vintage” But hey I’m not in charge here haha xD

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