I am a long time lurker, first time caller. I am an english WOTC set collector that dabbles across later gens for my favourite pokemon Lugia!
My current focus is on collecting all WOTC 1st Ed holo sets in PSA 10, as well as the three WOTC E Series holo sets in PSA 10. So far, my progress is as follows:
You can reach out to me on IG at Cyruss_pokemon if you ever want to chat or connect! I apologize if my photos show up poorly, as I am a complete forum noob. Thanks for having me guys and gals!
That’s a mighty fine collection. Very All that’s left to do is get a beautiful display for it–get those things up on a wall! They will look incredible.
After a very long social media hiatus I have returned! Continuing to pick up PSA 10 WOTC 1st Edition cards. Current progress below!
WOTC 1st Edition Sets
Base 14/16 Holos, 99/102 Total
Jungle 16/16 Holos, 63/64 Total
Fossil 15/15 Holos, 58/64 Total
Team Rocket 18/18 Holos, 70/83 Total
Gym Heroes 19/19 Holos, 120/132 Total
Gym Challenge 20/20 Holos, 117/132 Total
Neo Genesis 19/19 Holos, 93/111 Total Neo Discovery 17/17, 75/75 Total Neo Revelation 14/14 +2/2 1st Ed and Unlimited Shinings, 66/66 Total
Neo Destiny 24/24 +8/8 1st Ed and Unlimited Shinings, 92/113 Total
Non-1st Edition WOTC Sets
Base Set II 20/20 Holos Legendary 19/19 Holos Expedition 32/32 Holos Aquapolis 35/35 Holos Skyridge 38/38 Holos
Southern Islands 16/18 Total