Hello everyone, I am interested in being a vendor at an upcoming collectacon. Would anyone know the process of getting a table and how quickly they tend to sellout?
On the main website it states that the vendor table options will open up on January 3rd (12pm). I am curious to know how quick I need to be before they sellout. Would anyone know the layout or maybe have pictures of the process to obtain a three tables side by side? I have not been able to find anything helpful on youtube. I am completely new to vending. Thank you
I’ve never gone through the buying process so I can’t answer what any of that is like or how it looks.
What I would recommend if possible is try finding others or a group to vend with and join in buying out a full section. Cheaper tables, less stress on getting your tables, and then you aren’t forced around complete strangers asigned by the show.
Tables sell out extremely fast, the website is terrible and half the time you aren’t even sure you have a table. Might get a receipt from paypal, but I swear I never know if I even got a section or three.
Not sure of ALL the options, as we always get a section or half section, but I think there are 2 and 3 table options. If you miss, you can always ask around social media, plenty of times you can find a table or two.
Hi, I’m part of a Discord group that does group buys of CAC sections and breaks them up among members. Generally the only requirements are that you follow through on commitments and pay promptly. Not sure if I’ll be a section leader at the particular CAC that you’re looking to go to, but happy to help you on your way regardless. Reach out to me on Discord at “dylanlefavour”.
Does anyone know how fast these collectacon vendor tables sell out from their experience? Would it be in a matter of seconds, minutes or days? Trying to gauge exactly what I will be up against when they become available. I will try reaching out to the discord as a backup too
For any popular collectacon location, they typically sell out in seconds to a minute. Section quality is also first come first serve. If there are leftovers after the initial sale, they will be in less desirable locations of the venue.
Ive been to a collect a con before, but I was curious what the “less desirable location” meant? I checked every single stall when I was there as an attendee.
A lot of people aren’t so thorough, or they spend their money or do their trading at the booths they encounter first. Vendors usually want to be as close to the front, or as deep in the center as possible. Typically they want to avoid the stage (loud, crowded, hard to do business when someone is performing) and the signature area (lines sometimes cause attendee traffic to avoid this area) etc.
Would anyone know or have pictures of the online process of getting a table step by step? Id like to see what I will have to deal with when they open these slots.