Charizard is now twice what a Jordan RC is

Was sitting here thinking about it, and does anyone else find this staggering? His RC has 12 years on Pokemon- 12.

Supply and Demand. Way more Jordans than Charizards. It’s easy to get a fleer box, not so much a 1st box… Just about every sports convention they’re cracking one open and it can contain up to 3 Michael Rookies.

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Maybe Sports’ collectors are divided in the sense that they either collect Hockey or Baseball or Basketball or Football. Pokemon is a whole generation and growing. Most collectors that are born in the 90s collect TCGs instead of Sports.

Not entirely true, the Jordan rookie has sold as high as $41,400 in PSA 10. If you look at it from an outsiders point of view looking at previous sales, the last Zard sold for $26k albeit several months prior. You could consider it an outlier sale until the price point is matched again. One sale is probably not enough to solidify a base level value as of yet.


Actually I sold one two months ago for 27500.00 and two weeks ago one sold for 40,000.00. Both on eBay.

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Charizard > LeBron > Jordan


Kobe = Charizard > Lebron > JORDAN

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pop report tells it all. If MJ rookie had the same pop as Charizard we wouldn’t even be having this discussion right now

Is that the guy who plays in Space Jam??


I would say charizard is overall a more desired card considering the Pokemon card game effected way more people than basket ball cards ever did as its a street of sports whereas pokemon especialy charizard is hitting a bigger range of consumers, plus i guess you could tie in the fact of Pokemon being a biggest and fastest rising media franchise and charizard being the mascot waiving the flag for pokemon!! i think if the pops were equal charizard would still fetch a bigger premium especially if you were to tie age into the mix aswell being younger than the jordan rookie just highlights the potential with charizard

Basketball is way bigger than you think. It’s bigger than Hockey and it should even pass Baseball in the near future.

Yes, Charizard is an iconic card but if the pop was as high I don’t think it would earn much more than $10k or so.

I’m not even a fan and I don’t think it’s fair to compare a Legend like Jordan to Charizard. I don’t think even 5% of the world population even know what a Charizard is. If you had said Pikachu, you might have a point.

By the way, the Jordan Brand alone brings as much yearly revenue than all of Pokemon combined.


also would you say baseball cards or more popular than pokemon cards or just the jordan rookie or just in relation to charizard?

Baseball cards are more popular. It’s not even close.

In the long run, will Jordan or charizard reign supreme?

Move over Lebron, this is the real deal on GOAT debate

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Depends on how well Lebron does with the Lakers.

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Many say he could only displace Jordan if he wins 2-3 championships with the lakers. One championship will put him probably at a share of GOAT. Do you agree?

If will really depend on how he performs this season. Not just winning but if he absolutely dominates the franchise.

I don’t think Jordan ever lost a championship series. James has lost a couple. Granted, James played great in all of them.

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