Card Flattener System

I’ve mentioned my system now here’s a pic.
I sandwich 4 cards at a time, one near each corner, between two heavy sheets of glass. Depending on the paper stock, in time each card will flatten out.


Thanks for the picture! I was wondering about its size.
For anybody wanting to try this at home; don’t forget the cards after a while. I hear it happens to the best of us. :wink:

Cool, thanks for the share Gary! That’s a lot more professional than the books and diving lead I have been using :stuck_out_tongue:

Does anyone have any experience with curved Pokémon holos, with regards to whether or not it matters on which side of the card the weight presses? Say - with or against the curve? And what leads to better results/less risk of potential damage?

Thanks for sharing! Great system.

Seems like job for hydroolic prass.

Crushing 1500 sheets of Paper with Hydraulic Press - YouTube


RIP card collection lol

Good question. I’ve done it both ways and seem to get equal results.

Assuming you still put them in a penny sleeve during the process?

Yes, only penny sleeves. Others, like the holo dots, have thicker borders so they don’t work as well.

I’d be more concerned with the holo dots leaving a faint circle because of more or less pressure on that spot.