Black Flame Ninetales

I bought out a collection recently and noticed that one of my Unlimited Ninetales had a black flame as a background as compared to the mostly purple background that you usually see. I compared it to my other unlimited ninetales (this collection had about 20 of them) and checked online and couldn’t find any that had a black flame background. I found plenty of 1st edition and shadowless but none that were unlimited.

I don’t want to look too deep into small printing defects but this one really stood out to me and was more significant than an ink blot, thinner text, printing dot, etc. I couldn’t find any others like it…although more must exist.

Anyone have info on this? Maybe it was a certain print run from the unlimited printing or maybe just high levels of ink or lack thereof? Apart from my own collection which as mentioned has 20+, Maybe I didn’t look hard enough on ebay?


:blush: congrats, that’s a special card. It’s real, just extremely rare.


You’ll notice it’s the same holo layout as the Shadowless version if you compare. Pretty neat card:)


Ninetales has one of the better-crafted backgrounds for when it comes to stock art use (like it already was not bad looking enough). Earlier renditions share this blend too.

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