Base set machamp has abnormal prices

I was looking at the prices of a psa 10 unlimited machamp base set today and found the going rate to be around 200. I then looked at the shadowless/first edition psa 9 machamp and it was also around that price. Whats going on here? Normally there is an extreme premium for psa 9 1st ed. Vs. psa 10. Unlimted. For example i saw a psa 9 first edition blastoise go for 6k and i just bought an unlimited psa 10 for only 330$.

Speaking of which if unlimited sets had about 8 times the amount of prints as unlimited shouldnt the market price reflect that? Why are the first edition card prices shooting up at a tremendous rate while the unlimited cards have hardly moved? I understand the ratio between the two sets wouldnt be exactly 1:8 as there should be some premium for first edition, but the current market premium seems excessive for some cards. IMO unlimited psa 10 are really undervalued rn.

Machamp has never been in the same category for the 1st ed base holos. There’s substantially more available, some people that collect don’t understand the difference between a shadowless machamp and unlimited, I’m sure there’s more factors that go into the pricing.

The 1:8 ratio isn’t correct. I assume that you got that number from print runs, which isn’t a good measurment, nor would the ratio be accurate (1st print run was divided into both shadowless and 1st ed, and the final print run was 1999-2000). The real issue with this assumption though is that the print runs were equal, which is highly unlikely. The first run was probably the smallest due to the uncertaintly of the franchise’s populartiy in the states. In the end the ratio is much greater than 1:8.


Oh that makes sense I always assumed a print run was some sort of consistent unit. With that being said 1st edition machamp might be severally undervalued due to people not being educated. If it really is true that ratio is even more drastic then 1:8 then 1st ed machamp should be much higher.

Print runs may have been consistent for unlimited Base Set, however, the shadowless run(s) is/are a bit different. There’s not any solid data on whether the 1st Edition release was larger, smaller, or equal to the Shadowless release. Buuuuut…
Since Machamp was printed on it’s own sheet for distribution in Starter Decks who knows what the print runs were like. Anyways, you really can’t compare a PSA 9 of this with a PSA 10 of that.

Edit: Should also mention that if 4th Print was distributed in the UK it may have had a much smaller print than those made for the US. Just base your valuations on the market and maybe not worry about production as much.

the psa 9 shadowless machamp is probably undervalued, but there is definitely a lot more of it. look at ebay, you can usually find at least 5+ copies at any given time all in the range of $150-250. that perception won’t help the price of the card anytime soon. I think once psa 9 1st ed dries up significantly in the coming years, machamp’s price will adjust upwards. on the contrary, this means you should probably grab as many 9s as possible! this is a high risk but high reward situation…you like a good gamble?

I snagged an 8 Shadowless for $40. Seemed low. Why not.

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I do this type of thing too much

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